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Somali Scholars Strongly Condemn Israeli Aggression in Gaza

Somali Scholars vehemently denounces the Israeli aggression against our brethren in Gaza, Palestine, and summons the Islamic nations and their citizenries to bolster this valiant populace besieged by the most heinous forms of assault, bombardment, and forced expulsion.

This stern repudiation was articulated in the final communiqué of an international symposium convened by the Al-Maqasid Research and Studies Center, based in Mogadishu, which unfolded over three days. Themed “The Scholars’ Role in Fostering Peace and National Reconciliation: A Perspective Rooted in Maqasid (Objectives of Sharia),” the conference wrapped up its proceedings today in Mogadishu, drawing participation from eight nations across the Arab and African spheres, including Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, Djibouti, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and host Somalia.
The conference’s communiqué issued a clarion call to cease the brutal onslaught and implored Islamic nations to rally behind the Palestinian people. The proclamation read, “The conference vehemently denounces the Israeli aggression against our brethren in Gaza, Palestine, and summons the Islamic nations and their citizenries to bolster this valiant populace besieged by the most heinous forms of assault, bombardment, and forced expulsion. We beseech God to bestow upon them His divine succor and victory, and inscribe for them an era of empowerment and triumph.”
In tandem with the scholars’ declaration, a series of vehement remarks were released by Somali Prime Minister, Mr. Hamza Abdi Barre, at a religious event, stating that “Hamas is not a terrorist outfit but rather a movement for the liberation of its territory and people.” Mr. Hamza further remarked that “the blood spilled in Gaza heralds the forthcoming liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.” He lamented, “It is profoundly regrettable that the global community remains mute to the unfolding tragedy in Gaza City, where a Palestinian child succumbs every fifteen minutes to the bombardments conducted by Israeli forces against civilians, including the elderly and women.”
Hamas, in its response, expressed deep appreciation for the Somali Prime Minister’s pronouncements in a press release today. In its communique issued on Thursday, Hamas recognized “the solidarity of Arab and Islamic states and freedom-loving people worldwide, who uphold our nation’s inalienable right to resistance and struggle for liberty, sovereignty, and self-determination in the face of genocidal aggression perpetrated by the occupier with American complicity.”

About Ali Teymoori

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