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Shī‘ā Scholar Appreciated Al-Azhar’s Shaykh Initiative on Islamic Dialogue

Following the recent statements of the Sheikh of University of Al-Azhar in the “Dialogue Assembly of Bahrain: East and West for Human Coexistence” and his emphasis on the necessity of Islamic-Islamic dialogues, Hojjatul-Islam Sayyid Abul Hassan Nawab, Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Ahlul-Bayt (AS) World Assembly in a letter addressed to Sheikh of Al-Azhar appreciated his initiative.

The letter says:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The honorable Sheikh of Al-Azhar

Dear Dr. Al-Tayeb

Your wise positions at the closing of the “Dialogue Assembly of Bahrain: East and West for Human Coexistence” in the direction of reviving the culture of proximity and continuous and deep communication between authentic and Islamic civilizations, made me happy and encouraged the hearts of those who are eager for the unity of the Islamic Ummah. Prestigious Al-Azhar University has long been known as a symbol of moderation, wisdom, and rationality, and during the difficult and instructive times of recent years, you have been able to maintain this wise approach in line with the interests of the Egyptian nation and the interests of the Islamic Ummah.

There is no doubt that while the Sheikh of prestigious University of Al-Azhar has announced the human brotherhood with the Pope of Vatican, it is not appropriate for the Islamic Ummah – the audience of the divine command to hold fast the rope of Allah and commit to the disciplines of Islamic brotherhood – to overtake each other in bloodshed and differences. Therefore, your call and invitation to put aside religious differences and abandoning takfir and returning to brotherly dialogue and peaceful resolution of political differences in dialogue forums is of double importance.

While welcoming this idea that arose from the spirit of true Islam, as the President of the University of Religions and Denominations – which considers its duty to nurture, stabilize and expand the pure Islamic thought – I declare that we are ready to provide all of our resources and facilities for the development of the great project of Islamic unity, to witness the prosperity and growth of the Islamic World in the light of realization of the modern Islamic civilization and accompanying all denominations and religions for salvation of man and bring felicity for humanity.

Seyyed Abol-Hassan Nawab

President of the University of Religions and Denominations

About Ali Teymoori

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