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Islamic Philosophy Conference to Be Held at Harvard University

The aim of the conference is to promote the study of Islamic Philosophy, broadly conceived, in its historical and contemporary context.

With more than 30 papers presented, QA sessions and different panels, it will be an event worth attending. The conference will be held on December 3-5, 2021 on Zoom.

Our annual Islamic Philosophy Conference was initiated at Harvard University (April, 2019) with participants coming from around the globe to present papers and engage in discussion over two days. The conferences are open to all interested scholars working on Islamic Philosophy and Theology. In addition to a general call for papers, conferences will include specialized panels organized by theme over the next three years (2020–22)

Fall 2021: The Instrumental Sciences

The second conference in the series will cover the Islamic Rational Sciences and the Tools of Knowledge (logic, rhetoric, debate, etymology, etc.) as both are tools in the service of sacred knowledge as well as the often-overlooked domain of sustained philosophical inquiry since the 13th century CE. Here the focus will be on questions that arise primarily from within the Islamic tradition and the rationalist responses via the practice of taḥqīq (verification). However, panels consisting of ASIP&T working group members will also address broader and more universal questions, especially those that investigate the limits of what is knowable.

The third conference (2022) will build on the previous two and address metaphysical and abstract matters, such as questions of human spiritual anthropology and advances in brain imaging (the soul and consciousness), the nature of the physical and metaphysical worlds (quantum physics and Qur’anic worldview), and comparative theism/theology, etc.

Click here to know more about the Conference and Register it.

About Ali Teymoori

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