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Ayatollah Fesharaki’s Advice for Removing Fatal Disease

Late Ayatollah Sayyid Ahmad Zanjani quoted from Ayatollah Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Ha’iri, “we studied with Ayatollah Mirza Mohammad Taqi Shirazi. At that time, cholera disease had afflicted people of Samarra and some Shia people had died of this disease.

Once, Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammd Fesharaki came to visit and there was a mention of this disease. He asked the gathering, ‘do you consider me a mujtahid?’ people answered, ‘yes.’ Then, he asked, ‘do you consider me just?’ they said, ‘yes.’ Then, Ayatollah Fesharaki said, ‘I advise all the Shia of Samarra, men and women, to begin reciting ziyarat ‘Ashura everyday from today up to ten days, and gift its reward to Lady Narjis Khatun (Imam al-Mahdi’s (a) mother) so that she intercedes before God to save Shia of this region from this fatal disease; and I guarantee that anyone who does so will not be afflicted to this disease.’”

About Ali Teymoori

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