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Call For Papers: Muslims in the UK and Europe

The University Of Cambridge Centre Of Islamic Studies invites applications from current Masters and PhD candidates to present their research on issues pertaining to Muslims in the UK and Europe, from any discipline.

The Symposium Organised by the Centre of Islamic Studies at the University of Cambridge

The postgraduate symposium, taking place on 18 June 2018, will be a platform for students to present and exchange current research on any topic in this field in a dynamic forum. While historical or theoretical context is valuable, we also invite papers to present, analyse or interpret research findings, data or material. The symposium will take place at The Moller Centre, Cambridge. Accommodation will be covered by the Centre of Islamic Studies and travel bursaries will be available.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 5, 2018

Full Paper Submission Deadline: 11 June 2018

Symposium Date: 18 June 2018

Venue: University of Cambridge

To apply; please submit a 500-word abstract, with curriculum vitae outlining current research interests, to cis@cis.cam.ac.uk by Monday 5 March 2018.

Successful candidates will be notified by Monday 19 March 2018 and invited to submit draft papers of no more than 3000 words by Monday 11 June 2018.

For further information, please contact cis@cis.cam.ac.uk

About Ali Teymoori

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