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4th Christian-Muslim Summit to be Held in Tehran

The fourth edition of the Christian-Muslim summit will be held in Tehran later this year.

A meeting was held in Tehran on Sunday to discuss preparations for the summit, the ICRO website reported.

Ghahreman Soleimani, the research and education deputy of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (ICRO), Ali Mohammad Helmi, the head of ICRO’s Center for Dialogue among Faiths and Civilizations, and members of the Islamic-Christian Forum’s committee were present at the meeting.

They discussed the themes and timing of the upcoming gathering as well as the sideline programs.

Representatives from Shia and Sunni Islam as well as Catholic, Protestant and Anglican Christianity will take part in the summit.

The first Christian-Muslim summit was held in 2009 in Washington, DC, in the US. Beirut, Lebanon, hosted the second summit in 2011 and the third was held in The Vatican in 2014.


About Ali Teymoori

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