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1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy

“The 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy ICIEBP” will be held on November 15, 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia and the theme, as well as the main objective, of the conference is “Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies.”

Department of Islamic Economics and Finance, Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia collaboration with Department of Islamic Economics Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Magnificient Zakat (IMZ) and Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance UiTM Melaka Malaysia, proudly presents “The 1stInternational Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP)” that will be held on November 15, 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia. The theme, as well as the main objective, of the conference is “Rethinking Sustainability from an Islamic Perspective Transforming Economy and Societies”

All accepted papers from The 1st ICIEBP 2017 will be prosesed to be published in serial conference Scopus or CPCI- SSH (Conference Proceeding Citation Index – Social Science Humanities) Thomson Reuteurs and Google Scholar. All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI). The proceedings list and ordering in Atlantis Press.


  1. Islamic Economics
    § Macroeconomics: Islamic perspective and emphirical evidence
    § Economic development in Islamic perspective
    § Labor and waging: Theoritical and practices in Islamic perspective
    § Behavioral economics (Consumer and producer in Islamic behaviour perspective
    § Monetary policy and financial stability in Islamic perspective
    § Central banking function in Islamic economy
    § Income distribution, inequality and poverty in Islamic perspective
    § Shariah screening in the Islamic capital markets: issues and challenges
    § Microeconomics: Islamic perspective and emphirical evidence
    § Relationship between monetary reforms and macro-prudential policy
    § Moral Hazzard and structure, mechanism and distortion of market in Islamic perspective
    § Fiqh studies in Islamic economics
    § And other relevant topics in Islamic economics
  2. Islamic Philantrophy
    § Zakah
    § The role of Zakah and Awqaf institutions
    § Performance measurement of Zakah and Awqaf in Muslim societies
    § Corporate social responsibilities in Islamic perspective
    § Zakah and Awqaf funds, and their use in stimulating economic growth
    § Zakah, Waqf and Education
    § Zakah, Waqf and Community Development
    § Zakah, Waqf and SME Development
    § Good Zakah and Waqf governance
    § Fiqh studies on Zakah and Waqf
    § Regulation on Zakah and Waqf
    § And other relevant topics in Islamic philantropy
  3. Islamic Finance and Banking
    § Islamic banking
    § Islamic capital market and sukuk
    § Islamic insurance (Takaful)
    § Islamic leasing and factoring
    § Islamic capital venture
    § Social security in Islam
    § Islamic deposit insurance corporation (LPS)
    § Rahn
    § Islamic pension funds
    § Sovereign wealth funds and their potential role in the development of Islamic finance industry
    § Conventional finance theories and its compatibility with Islamic finance
    § An Islamic economics and finance view of the global financial crisis
    § And other relevant topics
  4. Islamic Business and Entrepreneurship
    § Islamic business (halal tourism, food and moslem fashion industry, etc)
    § Islamic business in small-medium enterprises (SME)
    § Comparative studies on business ethic
    § Corporate social responsibilities
    § Dispute settlements on business from Islamic perspective
    § Comparative studies on Islamic entrepreneurship
    § Creative economics and entrepreneurship
    § Fiqh studies on business and entrepreneurship
    § Innovation in Islamic Economics and Business
    § And other relevant topics
  5. Management and Leadership
    § Islamic marketing
    § Islamic human resources
    § Strategy operation, innovation and knowledge on Islamic management
    § Islamic financial management
    § Organizational behavior
    § Information management
    § Electronic commerce
    § Industry innovation
    § Corporate governance
    § Management innovation
    § Hospitality and tourism management
    § Management
    § Importance of Islamic leadership: Challenges and issues
    § Absence of quality leadership in the Muslim world
    § And other relevant topics in management and leadership
  6. Accounting
    § Islamic accounting
    § IFRS and AAOIFI
    § Accounting for SME
    § Accounting for Islamic Financial Institution (IFI)
    § Accounting for microfinance
    § Accounting for Zakah and Waqf institutions
    § Auditing
    § And other relevant topics in accounting
  7. Islamic Microfinance
    § Financial innovation for smallholder families
    § Donors and investors
    § Financial technology
    § Crowdfunding
    § Digital currency
    § Digital economy
    § Policy making and digital financial services
    § Customers protection
    § SMEs empowerment

About Ali Teymoori

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