Home / Extremism / Nigerian army attacks residential area home to top Shia cleric Sheikh Zakzaky

Nigerian army attacks residential area home to top Shia cleric Sheikh Zakzaky

In Nigeria, the army attacks the residential area home to top Shia cleric Sheikh Ibrahim al-Zakzaky trying to arrest him after killing several of his followers earlier in the day.

Soldiers besieging the home of the leader of a Shiite movement Ayatollah Zakzay and killed at least 12 people, the Islamic group said early Sunday.

About 30 people have been wounded in the ongoing attack that began late Saturday in the city of Zaria in northern Nigeria and continued into early Sunday, Zeenah Ibrahim, the wife of the group’s leader, told The Associated Press in a phone call interrupted by the sounds of gunfire.

Spokesman Nasir Umar Tsafe of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria said seven people died there, including four wounded whom he said soldiers refused to allow through a barricade to get medical care.

Later Saturday, Ibrahim said, soldiers surrounded her home in a “pre-planned attack to assassinate the sheikh,” Ibraheem Zakzaky.

His movement two weeks ago suffered a suicide bombing, claimed by Boko Haram extremists, in the middle of a procession that killed 22 people.

Boko Haram often attacks Muslims who preach against its radical vision of Islam.

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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