Home / Announcements / International Convention on Islamic Management 2015 (ICIM II)

International Convention on Islamic Management 2015 (ICIM II)

International Convention on Islamic Management 2015 (ICIM II), 4th to 5th November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

According to conference organizers, the purpose of the Convention is to revisit what has been achieved so far, the challenges of Islamic management and how its implementation can be improved with a special attention to the global Halal industry.

According to the Global Islamic Economy 2013 report, Muslims spent more than USD1.088 billion in 2012 for food and beverages, USD26 billion in cosmetics, USD224 billion on clothing and footwear. This development is expected to continue and double by 2018. The awareness of applying Islamic values ​​in all aspects of life has become a catalyst for Muslims to practice Islam in various fields not only in the areas of production and manufacturing, but also covers a wide range of services and management.

Contact Details:

Department of Shari’a and Management
Academy of Islamic Studies
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur

Tel: +603-79676013
Fax: +603-79676140
Email: icima2015@gmail.com

Contact Person:

Seminar Papers:

  • Dr Wahab: +603-79676165
  • Dr Suhaili: +603-79676179


  • Dr ‘Azzah: +603-79676131
  • Dr Sufyan :+603-79676118


  • Dr Azian: +603-79676195
  • Mrs Nurdila: +603-79676013

Website: http://umconference.um.edu


About Alireza Mosaddeq

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