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Maxims of Imam Musa ibn Ja’far al-Kazim (ʻA)

Everything has its tax and the tax of the body is the recommendable fasting. After the acknowledgement of God, the best worship is expecting the Relief. He who supplicates to God before he praises Him and blesses the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) is as same as throwing an arrow without the existence of a string. He who is certain of the reward will give generously.....

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Weaponizing Women’s Rights: How Imperialists Justify Invasions

From the British colonization of India to the French occupation of Algeria and the subsequent military occupation of Iraq by the United States, a Western power that inherited the legacies of the former two, a recurring pattern of using women's rights as a pretext to advance the goals of Western countries is clearly observable....

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Islamic Piety in Medieval Syria: Mosques, Cemeteries and Sermons under the Zangids and Ayyūbids (1146-1260)

Focusing on the mosques, public assemblies, cemeteries and shrines of Syrian Muslims in the period of the crusades and the anti-Frankish jihad, the book describes and deciphers religious rites and experiences, liturgical calendars, spiritual leadership, and perceptions of impiety and dissent....

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