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ʻAbd al-Karīm Ḥāʼerī Yazdī

Muslim Scholar biography

Place of birth: Meybod, Yazd, Iran Place of Demise: Qom, Iran Born and Upbringing Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Abdulkarim Haeri Yazdi was born in 1859 in Mehrjerd, Yazd. He lost his father when he was only 6 and thereafter was brought up by his mother..Education Then arrived the time to go to the …

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Jaʻfar Kāshif al-Ghita’

Muslim Scholar biography

Place of birth: Najaf – Iraq Born Jafar bin Qizr bin Yahya Janahi Hilli Najafi, Kashif al-Ghita (1743-1812 A.D./1156-1227 A.H.), patriarch of Kashif al-Ghita family is famous as Jafar-i Kabeer and Shaikh Mashaikh, He was a well-known jurist, theologian, researcher, writer, scholar, poet and a sole Marja of the Shi’ites. After …

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Sayyid Rūhollāh Mūsawī Khomaynī

Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini

Place of birth: Khomein – Iran Place of Demise: Tehran – Iran   Born and Background Rouhullah Khomeini was born on the 24th of September 1902. His father was Agha Mustafa Mujtahid Kamareh’i. Rouhullah was the grandson of Sayyid Ahmad, and the great grandson of Deen Ali Shah. Deen Ali Shah lived …

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Mortaḍā Ṭāliqānī

Biography Of Muslim Scholars

Place of birth: Taleqan – Iran Place of Demise: Najaf – Iraq Born Sheykh Murtaďa Taleqani was born in 1280 A.H. in the city of Taleqan. Education He learned the Qur’an and Persian literature in the katateeb of the city then migrated to Tehran and from there to Isfahan so he could …

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Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥosaynī Shīrāzī

Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Hussaini Shirazi

Place of birth: Najaf – Iraq Place of Demise: Qum – Iran Born and Upbringing Ayatoollah Muhammad Shirazi was born in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq, in 1347 AH (Muslim calendar), 1928 AD. He belongs to a distinguished family deeply rooted in Islamic sciences, literature and virtue. The Shirazi family has …

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Muḥammad Hadī Maʻrifat

Ayatollah Muhammad Hadi Marefat

Place of birth: karbala – Iraq Born Shaykh Ma`rifat was born in Karbala, Iraq in 1930 into a family known for its religious and pious background. His father, Shaykh Ali Ma`rifat Isfahani, was a famous preacher and orator in Karbala. Religious Education Having finished his primary school, Ma`rifat entered the Islamic …

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Sayyid Mahdī ʻIbādī

Biography Of Muslim Scholars

Place of birth: Birjand – Iran Place of Demise: Mashhad -Iran Born Ayatullah Sayyid Mahdi Ibadi, the Friday Congregational Prayers leader of the holy city of Mashhad and a prominent and leading Islamic scholar was born in Khusuf near Birjand city in southern Khurasan in the year 1936. Education He completed his …

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Muḥammad Jawād Bāhonar

Muslim Scholar biography

Place of birth: Kerman -Iran Place of Demise: Tehran – Iran   His political activities Though very young, Bahonar could not tolerate the situation in which Islam had been put in danger hence; he fought with Tyrant of time in different ways. He had been arrested for several times by Shah’s regime, due to his politico- religious activities, but he kept …

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