The issue of organ transplantation in Islam is divided into the cases where the donor is alive and when he is dead. There are a couple potential problems regarding organ transplant from a live donor. One of the potential problems is that in Islam it is prohibited to harm oneself to the point of...
Read More »Reducing Negative Factors of Prenatal Development in Islam
There are many negative environmental factors effecting the prenatal development of a child. Muslim children do not suffer from nearly as many of these factors than non-Muslim children. Hence, the possibility of a Muslim producing strong, healthy, and intelligent babies is...
Read More »The Purpose of Marriage according to Islam
A study by Eli Finkel suggests that if a marriage today is to be successful, it should permit both partners to realise their inner potential, rather than merely being an institution for living together and...
Read More »Difference in Blood Money between Man and a Woman in Islamic Jurisprudence
According to jurisprudential and historical studies, blood money is an economical matter. It has been legislated in order to compensate for the loss incurred by the injured. From another point of view, in an...
Read More »The Question of Women’s Inheritance
Under the old laws of the world, if inheritance was occasionally given to daughters, it was never given to the daughter’s children, while a son could inherit himself, and his children could grow up as the successor to their father’s property as...
Read More »Mīrzā Habībullah Rashtī
Mīrzā Habībullah Rashtī (b. 1234/1819 - d. 1312/1894), a famous Shi'a jurist (faqih) and marja' in Qajar period, was born in Amlash a village near Rasht, Iran...
Read More »Shaking Hands by Muslims with Non-Muslim of the Opposite Sex
One of the difficulties faced by Muslims in non-Islamic countries is that in many instances they are exposed to situation where they are in a dilemma regarding shaking hands with...
Read More »Jamāl al-Dīn b. ʿAbd al-Nabī b. ʿAbd al-Ṣāniʿ al-Nishābūrī al-Istarābādī (Mīrzā Muḥammad al-Istarābādī)
Abū Aḥmad Jamāl al-Dīn b. ʿAbd al-Nabī b. ʿAbd al-Ṣāniʿ al-Nishābūrī al-Istarābādī (b. 1178/1764- d. 1232/1816), known as Mīrzā Muḥammad al-Akhbārī, was a scholar of fiqh and hadith and a founder of the Akhbari approach in Shi'a fiqh...
Read More »A Short History of Hijab in heavenly Religions
By studying the history of prior religions, it is clear that the veil was part of other heavenly religions before Islam and the rules were...
Read More »The Right of Woman in Polygyny by Martyr Mutahhari
The state of affairs which has always been mainly effective throughout history, due to which polygyny is rendered a woman’s right and the performance of a duty by man, is the comparative excess in the number of women fit to be married as...
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