Religious Education
When he finished his preliminary studies he entered the Howzah in Qom. Damad learned the intellectual disciplines and Islamic philosophy mostly from the learned Murtada Mutahhari, and Fiqh and Usool (principles) from eminent scholars such as Ayatollah Uzma Amuli, Laarijani, and Ayatollah Uzma Murtada Ha’ iri Yazdi. Later, he began teaching in the Islamic Seminary of Qom while attending Tehran University, where he obtained his Masters in Islamic Law and Philosophy.
Academic Education
Academic Responsibilities
Professor of Islamic Studies, Qum Seminary – Iran
Professor of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, University of Tehran – Iran
Professor of Islamic Theology and Transcendental Philosophy at the Iranian Institute of Philosophy (IRIP) – Tehran
Professor of Law and Islamic Theology at Shahid Motahhary High School – Tehran
Professor of Law and Islamic Jurisprudence at Mofid University in Qum
Major Present Administrative and Academic Positions
Judge of 11th Judicial Rank, since 1980
Head, Commission of Compiling Judicial Acts, since 1982
Member, Commission of Civil Law, Ministry of Justice of IR Iran, since 1982
Head, Department of Law, The Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Islam, since 1984
Head, Department of Law, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, since 1986
Head, Department of Law, The Center for Studying and Compiling University Books in Humanities, since 1987
Member, High Council of Research Institute of Humanities, Iran, since 1990
Head, Department of Islamic Studies, The Academy of Sciences of IR Iran, since 1990
Fellow, The Academy of Sciences of IR Iran, since 1990
Head, Department of Philosophy, College of Shahid Motahari, since 1991
Member, Supreme Council of Studies and Cultral Researches, Iran, since 1993
Member, Board of Trustees of Shahid Beheshti University of IR Iran, Iran, since 1993
Member, Board of Trustees, National Library of Iran, sicne 1997
Ministry of Culture and Higher Education, Iran, since 1997
Member, Supreme Council of Academic Staff Recruitment, since…
Publication & Honors
I) Books Published in Persian
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1982). Barrasi-e fiqhi wa hoquqi-e Akhze be shof’e (Inquiry into Delivery upon Preemption from the Viewpoint of Civil law and Islamic Law). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1983). Tahlil wa barrasi-e Ehtekaar az Nazagaah-e Fiqh-e Eslam (Analysis and Study of Hoarding as Seen by Islamic Fiqh). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1997). So’aal-o-Jawaab-e Seyed Mohammd Kazem-e Yazdi (Catechism of Seyed Mohammad Kazem Yazdi, Introduction and Research). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Din, Falsafe wa Qanun (Religion, Philosophy and Law). Qalam Publication, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Mabaani-ye Hoquq-e Beyn-al-melal az Didgaah-e Eslam (Principles of International Law from the perspective of Islam). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Hoquq-e Qaraardaad-ha dar Fiqh-e Emami-ye (The Rights of Treaties in Imamya Fiqh), Co-author. SAMT Organization, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Hoquq-e Bashar-dustaane-ye Beyn-al-melali, Rahyaaft-e Eslami (International Humanitarian Law, An Islamic Approach). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Ebqaa’e Akhz be shof’e (Retaining the Delivery upon Preemption). Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Religious Enlightenment. Vol.1, Ettela’at Newspaper Publishing House, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. ( 2007). Fiqh of Mortgage. Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Hoquq-e Khaanewaade (Family Law: Marriage and its Dissolution). 2nd Edition. Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Barrasi-ye fiqhi wa hoquq-e vasiyat (Inquiry into the Will From the Viewpoint of Islamic and Civil Law). 4th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Mabahesi az osul-e Fiqh, daftar-e awwal (Themes on the Principles of Fiqh, 1st Vol.) 16th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Mabahesi az osul-e feqh, daftar-e dowwom (Themes on the Principles of Fiqh, 2nd Vol.) 16th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Mabaahesi az osul-e Fiqh, daftar-e sewwom (Themes on the Principles of Fiqh, 3rd Vol.). 4th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Qawa’ed-e Fiqh, Jeld-e awwal-madani (Rules of Fiqh), First Vol. 18th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Qawa’ed-e Fifqh (Rules of Islamic Jurisprudence)
10th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Qawa’ed-e Fiqh, jeld-e sewwom Rules of Fiqh, 3rd Vol., (Judicial Section). 6th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Qawa’ed_e Fiqh, jeld-e chahaarom (Rules of Fiqh, forth vol. Penal Section). 10th Edition, Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. ( 2008). Religious Enlightenment. Vol. 2. Ettela’at Newspaper Publishing House, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. ( 2009). Family Law. Revised Edition. Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. ( 2009). General View on Stipulations and Obligations in Islamic Law, Vol.1. Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. & Sashadina, Abdulaziz & Abbassi, Mahmood ( 2009). An Introduction to Bioethics, The Center for Research on Ethics and Law in Medicine. Sina Cultural and Legal Institute, Hoghoogi Publication, Tehran, Iran.
II ) Introduction and Commentary Written on Books
-Dr.Mehdi Ha’eri Yazdi. Al Ta’liqat (Commentaries) – التعلیقات- 2001 .Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Center for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
-Dr. Mehdi Ha’eri Yazdi. Kaawosh-haa-ye ‘Aql-e Nazari (Surveys of Theoretical Reason) 2001
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Institute of Philosophy of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Ayatullah Mirza Hashim Amoli. Al-Muhazirat fi Figh-he Al-rahn (Research on the Jurisprudence of Financial Pledge. المحاضراث في فقه الرهن – 2008 -Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Al Tawhid, Monthly Rev. Of the Org. of Islamic Studies and Communications, Tehran, Iran.
-Mulla Sadra. Shawaahed-ar-Robubi-ye (Proofs of Divinityالشواهدالربوبية( 2004 -Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. SIPRIN Publishers, Tehran, Iran.
-Mirdamad, and Mirfendrowsky, A Collection of Articles. Jastaari dar Aaraa wa Afkaar-e Mirdamad wa Mirfendrowsky (An Inquiry into the Views and Thoughts of Mirdamad and Mirfendrowsky) – Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. Iran. Tehran, Iran.
-Dr. Mehdi Ha’eri Yazdi. Kaawosh-haaye ‘Aql-e ‘Amali (Inquiry into Practical Reason) 2005
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Institute of Philosophy of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Dr. Mehdi Ha’eri Yazdi. Elm-e Kolli (General Knowledge) – علم کلی – 2005 -Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. Institute of Philosophy of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
III ) Articles Published in Persian
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1986). Zamaanat dar Ta’ahodaat (Guarantees in Contracts). Periodical of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, No. 24. University of Tehran. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1990). A’in-e Daadrasi (Legal Procedures). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol.1, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1990). Ibn al Sabil (The Traveler). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol.3, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1990). Mohit-e Zist dar Eslam (Environmental Protection in Islam). Nature and Environment in Theistic Religions, First International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens: Rahnemun, Periodical of Shahid Motahhari University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). E’raaz as melk (Abandonment of Property). Periodical of the Faculty of Law No. 8, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Asl-e Lozum dar ‘Oqud va Majari-e aan dar Feqh-e Emami-ye (The Principle of Irrevocability in Contracts in Abiding Cases in the Imamya Fiqh). Periodical of Judicial Research of the Faculty of Law of the Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Ebra’ (Waiver). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Ibn Idris (Ibn Idris). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Ebaahe (License). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Eslaam wa da’wat-e Adyaai be Ra’aayat-e Haq-e Keraamat-e Ensaani (Islam’s Invitation of Other Religions to Respect Human Dignity) Periodical of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran, No. 5.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Bime-ye mutaqaabel dar Pishine-ye Eslaami, “Zamaan-e ‘Aaqele wa Jarireh” (Mutual Insurance at the Islamic Olden Times) Judicial and Civil Rights Periodical of the Ministry of Justice of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1994). Rawaabe-te Farhangi-ye Masihiyat baa Eslaam-e Shi’i (Cultural Relations of Christianity with Shiite Islam). “Name-ye Farhang”, Quarterly of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, No. 16, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1994). Ihtekaar (Hoarding). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol. 6, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1995). Asl-e qaanuni budan-e Jorm wa Mojaazaat dar Hoquq-e Iran (The Principles of Legality in Crime and Punishment in the I.R. of Iran), Quarterly of the Shahed University (co-author), No. 9/10, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1995). Nokhbegaan-e Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran: Mirza Tahir Tonkaboni (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice : Mirza Tahir Tonkaboni), Nameye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 2, Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1995). Qaa’ede-ye Hirz dar Serqat-e Mostoujeb-e Hadd (The Principle of ‘Hirz’ in Punishable Theft). Periodical of Judicial and Civil Rights- Ministry of Justice of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1995). Emaamat wa Velaayat az didgaah-e Sadra (The Imamat and Vilayat from the Viewpoint of Mulla Sadra). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 2
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1996). Fawaa’edi chand dar Masaa’el wa Mafaahim-e Hekami-ye (Certain Advantages of the Philosophical Questions and Concepts). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 5, 6, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1996). Ta’ahod be naf’e Shakhs-e Saales az nazar-e Sheikh Ansari wa Doktrinhaa’ye Hoquq-e Mo’aaser (Obligations in Favor of a Third Party from the Viewpoint of Sheikh Ansari and Current Legal Doctrines). Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law of Shahid Beheshti University, No. 16, 17
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1996). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Modaress Hakami Yazdi (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice – Modarres Hakami Yazdi). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 3. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1996). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Agha Ali Modarres (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice: Agha Ali Modarres). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 4. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1997). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Mohammad Reza Qomshe-ie (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice: Mohammad Reza Qomshe-ie). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 6, 7. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Kojuri (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice: Kojuri). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 8, 9. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Assaar (Iranian Scholars in Science and Practice: Assar), Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 10, 11. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Tadwin wa Tahawol-e ‘Elm-e Siar (Compilation and Development of the Science of Conducts), Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law, Shahid Behesti University, No. 23,24
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Ezn (Permission). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol. 8. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Molla Esmail Esfahani (Iranian Scholars in Science & Practice:Molla Esmail Esfahani). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, Vol. 12, 13. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Sargozasht-e Qaanun dar ‘Arabestan-e Sa’udi (Development of Legislation in Saudi Arabia). Mighat-e Hajj, No. 5
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Moharrek-e Nokhostin az Nazar-e Arastu wa Mulla Sadra (The First Initiator from the viewpoint of Aristotle and Mulla Sadra). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 15
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Basaatat wa Tarkib-e Moshtaqaat dar Bastar-e Adabiyat-e ‘Olum-e ‘Aqli-e Eslami (Simplicity and Combination of Derivatives Within the Context of Islamic Rational Sciences). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 16
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Eqraar-e Mobtani bar Ekhtiaar (Confession Based Upon Free Will). Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law of Shahid Behesti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Ahliat (Legal Capacity). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Vol. 9. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Wojud-e Zihni az Didgaah-e Hokamaa-ye Eslami (Mental Existence from Islamic Philosophers’ Viewpoint). Kherad Nameye Sadra, No. 20
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Qa’ede-ye Qebh-e ‘Aqaab-e Bela Bayan (The Rule of the Awfulness of Punishment Without Prior Notice and Warning). Periodical of the University of Qum, No. 1, Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Tahlili az Ara’e Ibn Sina dar mored-e Khanewaade (An Analysis of Ibn Sina on the Question of Family). Mahdavi Nameh, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Hoquq-e Jazaa-ye Shar’i-e Kelisaa-ye Kaatolik (The Penal Code in the Catholic Church’s Canonic Law). Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law, Shahid Behesti University, No. 29, 30
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Hodud dar Zamaan-e maa – Ejraa Yaa Ta’til? (Religious Punishments in our Time: Enforcement or Suspension?). Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law, Shahid Behesti University, No. 25, 26
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Nokhbegaan-e ‘Elm-o-‘Amal-e Iran – Mirza Mehdi Ashtiani (Iranian Scholars in science and Practice: Mirza Mehdi Ashtiani). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 16. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Bank va Bankdaari (Bank and Finance). Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, No. 11. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Hasti-ye ‘Elm wa Chisti-ye aan nazd’e Hokama-ye Eslam (Knowledge: Its Being and its Quidity from the Viewpoint of Islamic Philosophers). Kherad Nameye Sadra, No. 23
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Haq-e Taqaddom: Ahkaam wa Aasaar-e aan dar Hoquq-e Eslam (Right of Priority: The Rules and its consequences in Islamic Laws). Periodical of Judicial Research, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, No. 33, 34
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Nafs wa Khallaqiyat-haa-ye aan (The Soul and its Creativities). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 2
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Hekmat-e bartar-e Mulla Sadra – Elteqaat yaa Ebdaa’? (Mulla Sadra’s Transcendental Hikmat: Eclecticism or Innovation?). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 30
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Mabaani-ye Falsafi-e Haqq-e Hayaat dar Nezaam-e Hoquq-e Eslami (Philosophical Tenants of the Right to Life in the Islamic Judicial System). Daneshnameh – Periodical of Shahid Beheshti University, Vol. 1, No. 1
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Ommat-e Eslami was Jahaani Shodan (The Islamic Umma and Globalization). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 19. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Raaz-e Bartari-ye Kekmat-e Sadra (The Reason of the Superiority of Mulla Sadra’s Hikmat). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 32
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Din wa Goftegu-ye Tamadonhaa (Religion and the Dialogue of Civilizations). Name-ye Farhangestan-e Olum, No. 20. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Osul-e Feqh-e Shi’e wa Maktabhaa-ye aan (The Principles of Shiite Fiqh and its Schools). Name-ye Farhang, No. 12. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Hemayat az Manaabe’e Mohit-e Zist dar Farhang-e Eslami (Protection of Environmental Resources in Islamic Culture). Periodical of Iran’s Engineering Instructions, year 7, No. 25
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Mofaad-e Shart-e Fe‘le Maali Zemn-e ‘Aqd dar Hoquq-e Eslami (The Contents of Practical Financial Conditions in Contracts). Judicial Inquiries, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, No. 42
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Mohit-e Zist-e Tabi‘i az Didgaah-e Hekmat-e Mota‘aalieh (Natural Environment from the Viewpoint of Transcendental Philosophy). Kherad Name-ye Sadra, No. 42
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Ehyaa-e Sonnat-e Qum: Ijtihad wa E‘tedaal (The Revival of Tradition of Qum: Ijtihad and Moderation). Collected Papers in Honor of the Scientific Authority of Prof. Dr. Ing. Mehdi Bahadory-Nejad. Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Punishment for Incontinence in the Koran. Legal Research Review of the School of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Legitimacy of Power According to Islamic Public Law. Public Law Review, No. 1, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Development of Shiite Ejtehad: Historical Development, Schools and Methods, No.1, Legal Research Review of the School of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Nuptial Gift by the Third Party. Comparative Civil Law, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Development of Shiite Ejtehad: Historical Development, Schools and Methods, No.2, Legal Research Review of the School of Law, No. 46, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Development of Shiite Ejtehad: Historical Development, Schools and Methods, No.3, Legal Research Review of the School of Law, No. 49, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Suicide from the Viewpoint of Practical Reason. Medical Ethics Review, No.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Human cloning from the Viewpoint of Fiqh and Ethics. Medical Ethics Review. No.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Philosophical Analysis of the Right. Collection of Articles, Institute of Philosophy of Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). The Right ‘to be captivated’ during War According to The International Law and Islamic Law. The International Red Cross Conference, Amman, Jordan
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Development of Shiite Ejtehad: Historical Development, Schools and Methods, No.4, Legal Research Review of the School of Law, No.50, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
IV ) Books Published in English & Arabic
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Al Huquq al Insanyah bayn al Islam wa’l Mujtami’al Madani (Humanitarian Laws in Islam and in Civil Society): Dar al-Huda, Beirut, Lebanon.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). A Discourse on Nature and Environment from an Islamic Perspective: Organization for the Protection of Environment in Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Al Ihtikar fi al Fiqh (Hoarding in Islamic Fiqh): Dar al Huda, Beirut, Lebanon.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Protection of Individuals in Times of Armed Conflict under International and Islamic law: Global Scholarly Publications, N.Y., USA.
V ) Articles Published in English & Arabic
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). The Institution of ‘Aman’ in the Islamic Law of War: Periodical of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Iran, No. 3. (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). The Law of War in Islamic Law: Judicial and Civil Rights Periodical of the I.R. Iran, no. 6. (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1995). Dialogue on the Basis of the Goals of Religions – A Way to Attain Mutual Understanding: Conference on Dialogue between Schools of Islam, Damascus, Syria. (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Huquq al Insan Ru’yat bayn al Islam wal Gharb (Human Rights Viewed by Islam and the West): Al Tawhid, Monthly Rev. of the Org. of Islamic Studies and Communications, No. 85. Tehran, Iran. (In Arabic)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Sifat-ullah min Wajhat Nazar al Islam wal Masihiya (Divine Attributes from an Islamic and Christian Perspective): Majmu’at Kalimat al Muhaqqiqin, Beirut, Lebanon. (In Arabic)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1999). Minhaj al ‘Arif al Shi’i (Conduct of Shiite Mystics): Al Hikmat-al Islamiya, Beirut, Lebanon. (In Arabic)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Some Notes on the Problem of Mental Existence in Islamic Philosophy: Magazine of Transcendent Philosophy, No.2. London, UK. (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Divine Attributes According to Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra: (In English): Magazine of Transcendent Philosophy, No.4. London, UK. (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Some Notes on the Question of Mental Existence in Islamic Philosophy. 51st Phenomenology Congress. Phenomenology at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium. The Philosophy of Ontology: The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). The Islamic Umma and the Phenomenon of Globalization: Thaqalayn, year 8. Monthly Rev. of the Org. of Islamic Studies and Communications, Tehran, Iran (In English)
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Die Menschenrechte: Minderheiten und Mehrheiten (Human Rights: Minorities and Majorities): Welt. Verlag St. Gabriel, Möderling, Österreich – Austria Dialog. Friede, Gerechtigkeit und ihre Bedrohung in der heutigen. (Article originally in German, translated into English.)
VI ) Books Translated From English into Farsi
-Sheikh, Sa’eed. Muslim Philosophy. (Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M.). Motaale’aat-e Tatbiqi dar Falsafe-ye Eslami, Kharazmi Publication, 1990, Tehran, Iran.
-Fakhri, Majid. The History of Islamic Philosophy. (Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M.). 1993, Nashre Daneshgahi Publication, Tehran, Iran.
-Hamid-Allah, Muhammad. The Muslim Conduct of State. (Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M.) Soluk-e Beyn-al-melali-ye Dolat-e Eslami, 2002, Centr for Publication of Islamic Studies, Tehran, Iran.
VII ) Published Articles Translated from English into Farsi
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1989). Ta’sir-e Ghazali bar Motafakeraan-e Maghreb-zamin (Ghazali’s Influence on Western Thinkers): Periodical of the Research Group of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Disciplines, University of Tehran. No. 45, 46
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1990). Nazari-e-ye ‘Aql dar Falsafe-ye Eslami-ye Farabi (The Theory of Reason in Farabi’s Islamic Philosophy): Periodical of the Research Group of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Disciplines, University of Tehran. No. 49, 50
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Re’aayat-e Qawaanin-e Ensaan-dustaan-e-ye Beyn-al-melali (The Observance of International Humanitarian Laws): Periodical of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Tehran. No. 26
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Qazaawat-haa-ye akhlaaqi wa Qawaanin (Ethical Judgments and the Law): Periodical of the Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, T No. 9 , Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Nazari-e-ye ‘Aql dar Falsafe-ye Ebn-e Sina (The Theory of Intellect in the Philosophy of Ibn Sina): Periodical of the Research Group of the Faculty of Theology and Islamic Disciplines, University of Tehran. No.5
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Qaanun be ‘onwaan-e Haqiqati Ejtemaa’I (Law as a Social Reality): Periodical of the Judicial Rights, Ministry of Justice of the I.R.Iran.No.27
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Mafhum-e Eslami-ye Hoquq-e Bashar-dustaane-ye Beyn-al-melali (The Islamic Understanding of International Humanitarian Laws): Periodical of the Faculty of Law, University of Tehran. No. 27
VIII ) Lectures Held at International Conferences
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1988). The Islamic Judicial System in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Forth International Appellate Judge’s Conference, Kuala-Lumpur: Law, Justice and the Judiciary: Transnational Trends. Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1990). Mohit-e Zist dar Eslam (Environmental Protection in Islam). Nature and Environment in Theistic Religions, First International Symposium on Orthodoxy and Islam, Athens, Greece.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Al Insan al Kamil min wajhat al Nazar al ‘Allamah al Mutahhari (Perfect Man from the Viewpoint of Mutahhari). Al Mutamir al duwali le dirasah afkart ha Allamah Murtiza Mutahhari, Damascus, Syria: Cultural Dept. of the Embassy of the I.R. Iran, Damascus, Syria.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1991). Haq-e Daadkhahi dar Eslam (The Right of Litigation in Islam). International Conference on Human Right, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Al Lahut wal ‘Alaqa bayn al Islam wal Masihiya (Theology and the Relation between Islam and Christianity). Religions and Peace, Malta.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Sefaat-e Khodaa dar Kalaam-e Eslami wa Masihi (God’s Attributes in Islamic and Christian Theology). Congress in Honor of Sheikh Mofid, Hawza-ye ‘Elmi-e-ye Qom, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Islamic Tolerance. Dialogue between Religions, University of Louvain, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Islamic Tolerance. Exegesis of Divine Texts, Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Birmingham, UK.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Religious Minorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Human Rights in Islam and Christianity, Orientinstitut, Hamburg, Germany.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Al Huquq al Dowli fil Islam ma’al Tarkiz ‘ala Haq al Sha’ab fi Taqrir Misyrehi. (International Islamic Law with an Emphasis on the Rights of Nations in Their Development). Conference on International Law in Islam, Alul Bayt Institute of Amman, Jordan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Jorm-e Seqt-e Janin (The Crime of Abortion). International Congress of Medical Ethics, Center of Medical Ethics, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Khod-koshi (Suicide). International Congress of Medical Ethics, Center of Medical Ethics, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Moshtaq dar Falsafe wa Osul-e Fiqh (Derivatives in Philosophy and Principles of Fiqh). International Congress on Logic, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Naqsh-e Zamaan wa Makaan dar Ejtehaad-e Shi’i (The Role of Time and Space in Shiite Ijtihad). Shiite Islam, Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1994). Self-alienation in the Islamic Tradition. Dialogue between Islam and Christianity. Second Symposium of Islam and Christianity, Tehran. Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1997). Haqiqat-e Wojud az did-e Eslam (Reality of Existence from Islamic Point of View). Second World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion, Calcutta, India.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1997). Foundation of Family Rights and Responsibilities in Muslim Tradition. Trilateral Symposium of Scholars on Family Law. Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Religious Tolerance and Universal Brotherhood in Islam. 3rd UNESCO Seminar on the Contribution by Religions to the Culture of Peace Devoted to the Religious Education in a Context of Pluralism and Tolerance. Centre UNESCO de Catalunia, Granada, Spain.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). How Should the Dialogue Between Islam and Christianity be Managed? Dialogue Between Islam and Christianity, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Human Rights in the West and in Islam. Asian Society of Representatives at the Vatican, Rome, Italy.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Al Manzour al Islami lil Jawanib al Bay’yah fil Nizam al ‘Alami al Jadid (Islamic Perspectives on the Environment in the Modern World). Environment and Islam, UNDP, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Evaluation of the Role of Religion and Cultural Values esp. Education & Public Participation in Sustainable Development. International Seminar on Environment, Religion and Culture, UNDP, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Who is God for Me? On the Frontiers of Dialogue: Religions and Civilizations in the New Century, St. Egidio Institute, Barcelona, Spain.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). The Implications of Modern Technology on the Future of Humanity. The Ethics of Research and Scholarship from Islamic and Western Perspectives at Present, Oxford Academy, London, UK.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Some Notes on the Question of Mental Existence in Islamic Philosophy. Phenomenology at the Beginning of the 3rd Millennium. 51st International Congress Bringing up the Foundational Issues of Phenomenology. Academia Polacca delle Scienze di Roma, Rome, Italy.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). The Message of Islam for Today’s World. Annual Meeting, World Economic Forum, Exceptionally held in New York, N.Y. USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Islamic Legal Responses to International Terrorism. Dialogue with the Islamic civilization, Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Tokyo, Japan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Ethics in the Protection of the Environment. Science and Ethics: Experiences and Challenges in the US and Iran, National Academy of Sciences of the U.S. held at Bellagio, Italy?
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Self and its Creation. Human Creativity in the Ontopoieses of Life. St. Thomas Aquinas University, Rome, Italy.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2002). Al-Omatol-Eslamia Val Olama (Islamic Nation and Globalization). Future of Islam in the 15th Hijri Century. Alul Bayt Institute, Amman, Jordan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Human Rights, Minority and Majority. Austrian Academy of Sciences. Iranisch Osterreische Konferenz. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Legal and Civil Aspects of Marriage in Islam According to Shiite Tradition. Marriage according to Family Law of Iran and Germany, Max Planck Gesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Peace in Islamic Thought and Culture. L’Empire, La Paix. Cité de Science et l’indutstrie, Paris, France.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Transcendental Philosophy. Foundation of Sadra’s Hikmat, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Transcendent Theosophy of Mulla Sadra. From Cordoba to Isfahan. Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Dialogue Between Civilizations After Sept. 11. United Association for Studies and Research on Islam, Washington, D.C., USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Justice and Securing the Right Toward Peace. Truce, Justice, Love and Freedom: Pillars of Peace, Rome, Italy.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). The Mutual Influence of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights from the Viewpoint of Islam. Institute of Comparative Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). The Theoretical Principles of Environmental Laws. Environmental Protection. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). As-syyasa fil Islam (Politics in Islam). The Islamic Political System and Democracy: Differences and Possibility of Settlement, Aal al-Bayt al-Fikr al-Islami, Amman, Jordon
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). World Ethics and the Dialogue Between Civilizations. Peace in the Islamic Thought and Culture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Western Democracy from the View of Islamic Studies. Politics in Islam. CISMOR, Doshisha University, Tokyo, Japan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Human Dignity: The Basis of the Universal Human Rights. Conference on the Dialogue between the Islamic World and Japan, Iranian Foreign Ministry, Research Dept., Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Abortion – The Shiite Tradition. Islam and Christianity on Birth, Marriage and Death. Birmingham University, Birmingham, U.K.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Human Dignity: The Basis of the Universal Human Rights. Dialogue between the Islamic World and Japan, CISMOR, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Democracy in the West and Islam. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religions; Society of Biblical Literature, St. Antonio, Texas, USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Islamic Legal Responses to International Terrorism. The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Human Dignity. International Congress on Environmental Ethics, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Miracles from the Viewpoint of Mirdamad. Symposium in Honor of two Sages from Astarabad: Mirfendrewsky and Mirdamad, Gorgan, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Environmental Protection in Islamic Culture. Environment, Peace, and the Dialogue of Civilizations and Cultures, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Dissipating the Resources of National Wealth form the Perspective of Islam’s Progressive Legal System. Conference on Methods to Prevent the Dissipation of National Resources, Academy of Sciences of the I.R. of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). (Equilibrium of Islam) وسطيه الاسلام Reality of Islam and Its Role in Today’s World. Amman, Jordan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Human Cloning from the Viewpoint of Fiqh and Ethics. Human Genetic and Reproductive Technologies. Egypt, Cairo.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2004). Suicide from the Viewpoint of Practical Philosophy and Islamic Fiqh. International Conference on the Concept of Death in View of Social and Technological Changes from the Perspective of the Teachings of Islam and Christianity. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). The Purpose of Family Life in Islam. Marriage and Alternative Relationships: Challenges for Muslims and Christians, Birmingham University, Birmingham, U.K.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Re’aayat-e Keraamat-e Bashari, Mehwar-e Asli-ye Akhlaaq-e Zisti (The Respect of Human Dignity as the Pivot of Bioethics). International Conference on Bioethics, National Research Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Dep. of the Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, UNESCO, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Islam and Democracy. Religion and the Political Order. The Catholic University of America, Center for the Study of Cultures and Values, Washington, D.C., USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Environmental Protection in Islamic Culture. Environment and Peace. International Session on the Environmental Peace and the Dialogue of Civilizations, UNESCO, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). The Transcendent Theosophy (al-Hikmat al-Mutaaliyah) of Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy in Iran Today. Philosophy and the Future of Civilization, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Islamic Moderation and Temperance. Reality of Islam and its Role in contemporary Societey, Aal al-Bayt, Amman, Jordan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Race, Gender, and Faith in Islamic Law. Race and Law and the Human Rights, University of Virginia School of Law, Charleston, VA. USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Suicide from the Viewpoint of Islamic Philosophy and jurisprudence. International Conference on Death from the point of View of Islam and Christianity. Peace Group, Human Rights Chair of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Mulla Sadra’s Point of View On ‘Conditions of the Head of Government’. An Internal Conference on Mulla SAdra, Politics from Mulla Sadra’s Perspective. Foundation of Hekmate Sadra. Cultural Group of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). The Second Axis of The Pope’s Speech: Islam and Violence. A Conference on Belief and Knowledge. National Center for the Study of Globalization. International Center for Islamic Scholars, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). The Right to be Captivated According to International Islamic Law, in Line With the Prophet’s Tradition. The International Conference on Islam and the International Human Rights. The International Committee of the Red Cross and The Red Crescent Society, Qum Mofid University, Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Priority of Peace in Islamic Law. The International Conference on Conflicts, Resolution and Natural Resources in the Middle East. School of Law of Pardis University, Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). For Peace, Eradication of poverty, Abolition of Discrimination, and Non-Violence. Peace Group, Human Rights Chair of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2006). Comparative Studies on Responsibility Deriving from Errors of Judgment Deriving in Laboratory Work According to French and Iranian Legal Systems. Conference on ethics and Laboratory Science. The Research Center for Ethical and Medical law, Medical Science University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Humanitarian Law According to Islam. The International Conference on Islam and Humanitarian Laws. International Affairs Office of the Ministry of Justice, the International Conference on Islam and the Human Rights. The International Committee of the Red Cross and The Red Crescent Society, Qum Mofid University, Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Islam and Christianity, Iran and the West. International Conference on Muslim-Christian Relations. Center for Middle Eastern and Asian Studies, Department of Philosophy and Religions, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA., USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. ( 2007). Principle of Freedom in Concluding Contracts and Its Limitations. Conventional Freedom from Islamic View Point. Pardis University of Qom, with coll. of Max Plank Institute of Hamburg. Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Intercultural Dialogue: A Challenge for Peace. Grigoriana University, Rome, Italy.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Islam and Democracy. Religion, Democracy and Extremism. Dialogue of Cultures, Oslo, Norway
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Human Rights from Mulla Sadra’s Point of View. Hekmate Motealie (Islamic Theosophy) and New Challenges. Assembly in Honor of Mulla Sadra, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Al-Muhebat, Serruljazebie fi -Al Eslam (Love: Key to Islam’s Magnetism. Al-al-Beit General Congress. Amman, Jordan.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Wisdom, Best Gateway to Understanding. Science as a Gateway to Understanding. Academy of Sciences of the IR of Iran, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). Scientific Critique: Means of Progress of Humanity. One Day Workshop on Extremism and Tolerance. Center for Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2007). The Role of Religion in Public Life: The Islamic Perspective. Statecraft in The Abrahamic Religions. Lisbon, Portugal.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Theoretical Principles of Human Rights in Islam. World Day on Human Rights. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Influence of Ethics and Morality on Family Health. National Congress on Family Health. University of Medicine, Tehran, Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2008). Critique on Obliging the Law of Medical Immunity on Physicians. Congress on Medical Ethics. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Acceptability and Non-Acceptability of Error (Takhtae va Tasvib) from Viewpoint of Ghazali. Gathering on Ghazali’s Thought. Imam Moh. Ghazali Gathering, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Human Rights in the West and in Islam. Islam and the West. Academy of Studies of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Women’s Judgment from Shiite Viewpoint. Tehran’s Judiciary. Ministry of Justice, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Financial Obligations. Monthly Gathering of Judges of Tehran. Ministry of Justice, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). Right to Education from Mulla Sadra Viewpoint. Philosophical Education and Philosophy of Education. Sadra Hekmat Foundation, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2009). “Discharge” Before a Medical Operation: Emamiah Jurisprudence Viewpoint. International Congress on Forensic Medicine. Institute of Iranian Coroner’s Office, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Theology of Environment. Monthly Sessions of the Research Institute on Humanities and Cultural Studies. Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Principles of Peace in Islam. Seventh Session on the Abrahamic Religions. Basel, Switzerland.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). The Role of Religious Leaders in Politics. Christian/Muslim Summit at the National Cathedral. Washington, D.C. USA.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Ignorance and Poverty: The Evil Twins. At the Occasion of the Teacher’s Day. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Young Generation: The Addressee of the Philosopher. Philosophical Upbringing of the Young Generation. Hekmate Sadra Foundation, Tehran Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Public Law in Islamic Literature. Monthly Scientific discourses of the School of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2010). Zol-Qaranein in Quran: The Founder of Humanitarian Laws. Cyrus the Great and Zol-Qaranein in Quran. Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia, Tehran, Iran.
IX ) Published Papers of The Lectures Held in Iran
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1989). Sedq-o-Kezb dar E’tebaariyaat (Truth and Fallacy in Conventional Propositions). The Thoughts of Allameh Tabatabaie: Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1992). Hoquq-e Bashar az Didgaah-e ‘Ali (Human Rights as seen by Imam Ali). Seventh and Eighth Congress on the Nahjulbalaqa, University of Qum: Bureau of Islamic Propaganda, Qum, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1993). Molaazeme-ye ‘Aql-o-Naql az Nazar-e Sabzevari wa Naqd-e ‘Ulama-ye Osul (The Dispute of Reason and Naration as seen by Sabzavari, and a critique of the Scholars of Islamic Judicial Sources ). Congress in honor of the two hundred’s birthday of Sabzavari, Tarbiyat Moallem University of Sabzavar, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (1998). Qaanun-gozaari wa Qaanun-geraa’i dar Jame’e-ye Madani (Legislation and Legalism in Civil Society). Civil Society, Ministry of Islamic Guidance, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2000). Hoquq-e Bashar az Didgaah-e Eslam wa Qarb (Human Rights from the Perspective of Islam and the West). Dialogue between Islam and Christianity, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Sefaat-e Khodaa az Didgaah-e Sohrewardi wa Molla Sadra (God’s Attributes from the viewpoint of Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra). Congress on Suhrawardi, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2001). Qaraa’at-e Motafakeraan-e Eslami az Tohid wa Ta’sir-e aan das Zendegi-ye Mo’aaser (Islamic Scholars’ Interpretation of Monotheism and its Impact on Present Day Life). Contemporary World, Institute of Philosophy of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Akhlaaq dar Quran az Didgaah-e Prof. Isuzy (Ethics in the Quran as seen by Prof. Isuzu). Conference in Honor of Prof. Isuzu, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2003). Din wa Goftegu-ye Tamadonhaa (Religion and the Dialogue of Civilizations). Religion in our Age, Institute of Dialogue between Religions. Aamaal-e Hakim (The Ideals of a Philosopher). Conference in Honor of Dr. Sharafeddin Khorasani, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). Wonders from the Viewpoint of Mirdamad. Conference in Honor of two Scholars of Estarabad: Mirfendrowski and Mirdamad, Iranian Academy of Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
-Mohaghegh-Damad, S.M. (2005). The Waste of National Wealth Resources from the Viewpoint of the Progressive Islamic Judicial System. Methods of Preventing the Waste of Resources, Iranian Academy of Sciences, Tehran, Iran.