Whist in Najaf, Ayatollah Fadhil Al-Milani taught Jurisprudence, Principles of Jurisprudence and theology at the College of Fiqh for two years and in the Hawza of Najaf for eight years.
• B. A. in Islamic studies from the College of Fiqh, Najaf in the year 1966
• B. A. in Law from the School of Law, Beirut, Lebanon in the year 1967
• M. A. in Arabic Literature from the University of Baghdad, Iraq in the year 1970
• PhD in Islamic Philosophy from Oxford University in the year 1994
• Professor entitlement from the University of Amman, Jordon.
• From 1965 – 1970 in The Holy City of Najaf
• From 1971 – 1982 in The Hawza of Mesh ‘had
• From 1983 – 1986 in the Hawza of Sayyidah Hazrat Bibi Zainab (AS)
• From 1987 until the present year in London at various centres like International Colleges for Islamic Studies; Islamic College for Advance Studies; The Muslim College and the Students of Hawza.
The long experience of Ayatollah Sayyid Fadhil Al-Milani in the field of Islamic law and the number of students who have been trained under him, the books written by him on the subject of Islamic Jurisprudence support his authority as a Faqih and a Mujtahed. Apart from lecturing in the Colleges and Hawza, Ayatollah Sayyid Fadhil Al-Milani has been invited to present his papers in International seminars such as;
• 1985 : Assembly of the World’s Religious held in USA. (Due to late arrival of the visa, his contribution was by sending his papers to the conference )
• 1992 : Conference of the Rights in Islam held in Amman, Jordon
• 1994: Conference of Social Welfare in Islam held in Amman, Jordon
• 1998 : The Alawi Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey
• 1999 : Conference for Ijtehad in Islam held in Muscat, Oman
Ayatollah Dr Sayyid Fadhil Al-Milani is the Dean of International Colleges for Islamic Studies, London.
Currently Ayatollah Dr Sayyid Fadhil Al-Milani is supervising students who are compiling their theses for PhD in Islamic studies and is a Professor of Islamic Law at Middlesex University.
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