Place of birth: Isfahan – Iran
Ayatuulah shaykh Husayn Madhahiri was born in Isfahan in 1933 in a family known with its religious background.
Religious Education
In 1947 he entered the seminary of Isfahan and began to study in the school of Masjid Sayyid Isfahan. He studied literature with the late Agha Jamal Khansari and Agha Ahmad Muqaddas, while he learned the Sat-h stage from eminenet Ayatullahs such as Khademi, Fayyadh, Tayyib, and Adeeb. Ayatullah Madhahiri studied Mandhoomah with Ayatullah Mufid.
Emigration to Qum
In 1952, he migrated to Qom and began to study the high stage with the late Ayatullah shaykh Abdul Jawad Jabal `Aamili, the late Ayatullah Uzma Mar`ashi Najafi, and the late Ayatullah shaykh Murtadha Ha’iri, while he studied the kharij stage with Ayatullah Uzma Agha Husayn Boroujerdi for more than eight years, with Imam Khumayni for more than ten years, and with Ayatullah Uzma sayyid Muhammad Muhaqqiq Damad for more than twelve years.
Ayatullah Madhahiri studied the book (al-Asfar) of Mullah Sadra and (Shifa’) of Avicenna with the allamah sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’I in the same time, he was giving lessons on literature in Isfahan and the sat-h stage in the seminary of Qom. Thus, Ayatullah Madhahiri for some twenty years he is teaching the kharij stage on fiqh and Usool.
Ayatullah Madhahiri studied the book (al-Asfar) of Mullah Sadra and (Shifa’) of Avicenna with the allamah sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’I in the same time, he was giving lessons on literature in Isfahan and the sat-h stage in the seminary of Qom. Thus, Ayatullah Madhahiri for some twenty years he is teaching the kharij stage on fiqh and Usool.
Ayatullah Shaykh Husayn Madhahiri is an eminent Faqih in the Seminary of Qom. Beside his supervising the Seminary of Isfahan and teaching the high session of fiqh and Usool in that seminary, he used to explain the ethical basics to the students and public. His eminence has many compilations in different fields.
His works:
1- The biographies of the 14 infallible.
2- On the shore of sincerity dawn.
3- Rules on Fiqh and Ethics.
4- Ethics and Youth.
5- The factors of controlling the instincts in man’s life.
6- Studies on Ethics and the affairs of the scientific wisdom.
7- Risalah of Tawzeehul Masaa’il.
8- Manasikul Hajj.
9- Struggling against one’s self (4 volumes).
10- The behavior of commanding.
11- Behavior inside a family.
12- Behavior inside an office.
13- Upbringing the children.
14- The front and the Greater Jihad.
15- Family in Islam.
16- Towards the Right.
17- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Du`a Kumayl (3 volumes).
18- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Du`a al-Sahar (2 volumes).
19- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Munaajaat Sha`baaniyyah (2 volumes).
20- The virtues of a good teacher.
21- The Islamic economical rules regarding lands.
22- A comparison between economical systems.
23- The Islamic balance between this world and the Hereafter.
24- The Islamic knowledge shown in the surah of Yaseen.
25- Resurrection as explained in the Holy Qur’an.
26- Imamate and Wilayah as shown in Holy Qur’an.
27- The Islamic government in the traditions of the Shi`a Imamiyyah.
1- The biographies of the 14 infallible.
2- On the shore of sincerity dawn.
3- Rules on Fiqh and Ethics.
4- Ethics and Youth.
5- The factors of controlling the instincts in man’s life.
6- Studies on Ethics and the affairs of the scientific wisdom.
7- Risalah of Tawzeehul Masaa’il.
8- Manasikul Hajj.
9- Struggling against one’s self (4 volumes).
10- The behavior of commanding.
11- Behavior inside a family.
12- Behavior inside an office.
13- Upbringing the children.
14- The front and the Greater Jihad.
15- Family in Islam.
16- Towards the Right.
17- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Du`a Kumayl (3 volumes).
18- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Du`a al-Sahar (2 volumes).
19- Explanation and ethical tafseer of Munaajaat Sha`baaniyyah (2 volumes).
20- The virtues of a good teacher.
21- The Islamic economical rules regarding lands.
22- A comparison between economical systems.
23- The Islamic balance between this world and the Hereafter.
24- The Islamic knowledge shown in the surah of Yaseen.
25- Resurrection as explained in the Holy Qur’an.
26- Imamate and Wilayah as shown in Holy Qur’an.
27- The Islamic government in the traditions of the Shi`a Imamiyyah.