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Ibrāhīm Amīnī

He was born in 1925 in Najaf Abad (a province in Isfahan), where he also finished primary school.

Religious Education
In 1942 he entered the Islamic Seminary of Isfahan to begin his religious studies. At this seminary he completed texts in literature, logic, usool, and fiqh (law) at the intermediate level. Later.
Emigration to Qum
He migrated to Qom and entered the Islamic Seminary there, hoping to continue his studies. In Qom he was able to finish the advanced level of his studies in the areas of Fiqh, Usool, Philosophy, theology, and Tafseer – under the supervision of eminent scholars of that time.
Shaykh Ibraheem Amini also taught literature, Fiqh, and Usool in the Islamic Seminary of Qom and Isfahan. He compiled some books and preformed many researches on the side.
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Amini became a member of the Teachers Assembly of the Islamic Seminary of Qom. He is now a temporary Imam Jum`ah of Qom and a member of the board of directors at Imam Sadiq (AS) University.
He has written many books and has done research on many social and marital issues.

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