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Largest Shia mosque opens in Copenhagen

Topped with a turquoise dome and two minarets, the Imam Ali Mosque opened its doors on Thursday in preparation for its first Friday prayer service.

Denmark’s largest Shia Muslim mosque opened in Copenhagen on Thursday.
The Imam Ali Mosque is located on Vibevej in Copenhagen’s Nordvest district. The 2,100 square meter mosque is topped by a turquoise dome and two 32-meter minarets and has space for 1,500 people.
The Imam Ali mosque has been in the works since 2009, when plans for its construction were approved by the City of Copenhagen. The new facility has billed itself as “one mosque for all” and has promised services in a variety of languages.
In an invitation to its official opening, the Imam Ali Mosque stressed that everyone was welcome.


About Alireza Mosaddeq

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