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The Spirit of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sinwar Lives on

The spirit of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sinwar lives on. “Their bodies have left, but martyrdom has not erased them from existence. Their spirit and ideas remain, and their path continues,” Said Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with the Women.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Iran Islamic Revolution, met with thousands of women from across Iran on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The meeting took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Fatimah Zahra (pbuh).

During the event, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated on some aspects of the Prophet’s daughter’s existence as a remarkable phenomenon in the realm of creation.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Grand Ayatollah Khamenei conveyed various viewpoints regarding women and the Islamic charter on this matter. He also dedicated part of his speech to discussing several points about the regional situation, considering the current circumstances in the region.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution highlighted regional issues, the endeavors of the Resistance, and the situation in Syria. He pointed out that the actions taken in Syria, coupled with the crimes committed by the Zionist regime and the United States, bolstered by support from other entities, have led enemies to mistakenly believe that the Resistance Movement had been defeated. However, he emphasized that this is a grave mistake on their part.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution highlighted regional issues, the endeavors of the Resistance, and the situation in Syria. He pointed out that the actions taken in Syria, coupled with the crimes committed by the Zionist regime and the United States, bolstered by support from other entities, have led enemies to mistakenly believe that the Resistance Movement had been defeated. However, he emphasized that this is a grave mistake on their part.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the spirit of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sinwar lives on. “Their bodies have left, but martyrdom has not erased them from existence. Their spirit and ideas remain, and their path continues,” he stated.

Referring to the steadfastness of Gaza against the daily attacks of the Zionists and the ongoing resistance in Lebanon, the Leader stated, “The Zionist regime believes it is preparing itself by way of Syria to surround and eliminate Hezbollah in Lebanon, but it is Israel that will be uprooted.”

He emphasized Iran’s steadfastness in standing alongside the Palestinian fighters and the Mujahideen of Hezbollah, reaffirming the nation’s dedication to providing ongoing support and assistance. He expressed hope that the day will come when the fighters will see the evil enemy getting trampled under their feet.

Elsewhere in his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution elucidated the character of Lady Fatimah (pbuh). “It is remarkable and extraordinary that a young woman can attain such a spiritual and celestial identity, to the extent that, as narrated by both Shias and Sunnis, her anger represents the anger of God, and her satisfaction reflects the pleasure of the Almighty,” he remarked.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei described some of the unique qualities of Lady Fatimah (pbuh) as “comforting the Prophet (pbuh) during difficult times”, “accompanying the Commander of the Faithful in jihad”, “engaging in worship in such a way that captivated the angels”, “delivering eloquent, articulate, and fiery sermons”, and “raising Imam Hassan, Imam Hussain and Lady Zainab (pbut).” He further added that Fatimah Zahra’s childhood, youth, marriage, and life all serve as the highest, most beautiful models that represent the pinnacle of a Muslim woman.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the diverse perspectives surrounding the issue of women globally, stating, “Capitalism and the politicians aligned with it, by controlling the world’s influential media and through dishonesty and lies, conceal their criminal and corrupt motives for interfering in and manipulating women’s affairs worldwide, all for gaining illegitimate profits, under the guise of a philosophical and humanitarian theory.”

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei underscored that dishonesty and hypocrisy are perennial tactics employed by Western imperialists and capitalists. He cited the recruitment of women into factories – to fulfill the labor demands of industries reliant on low-wage workers, all under the guise of promoting women’s freedom and independence – as a prime example of this hypocrisy.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei described the hidden goal behind the slogan of “freedom for American slaves” from about two centuries ago as the relocation of slaves from the farmlands of the South to the factories of the North. He argued that contemporary feminist slogans and calls for freedom and women’s rights today, similarly, conceal inhumane and political agendas, some of which are clear, while other will become apparent later.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the issue of marriage as the first important principle in the Islamic Charter for Women. He added that based on numerous verses of the Quran, women and men share the same essence, serving as partners and complements to one another.

He described the necessity of marriage and the complementary nature of men and women as forming a third unit known as the family.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the spiritual value of motherhood and the pride it brings as another aspect of Islam’s view on women. He pointed out that today, some individuals, swayed by the agendas of capitalists, colonizers, and those who seek to undermine independent societies, particularly our own, present a negative image of motherhood, while motherhood and raising a human being is truly a valuable honor.

He described the honorable activities of women in political and international arenas, as well as their roles in events such as the Sacred Defense, the Defense of the Shrine, and the political sphere, as shining examples of women’s contributions following the victory of the Revolution. He stated that Iranian women have managed to preserve the identity, culture, and historical and authentic traditions of the country with their dignity, modesty, and virtue, in such a way that they have not been affected by the issues that many Western countries are facing today.

Grand Ayatollah Khamenei further emphasized, “Of course, the enemy is not idle either. The enemy is also busy devising plots. They quickly realized that defeating and bringing the Revolution to its knees through hard tactics such as wars, bombardments, ethnic divisions, and seditious forces is impossible. Therefore, they have turned to soft tactics, namely propaganda, temptations, and dishonest slogans.”


About Ali Teymoori

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