Institute for Scientific and Engineering Research (ISER) is delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICOIS-25) at Luxembourg City, Luxembourg on 22nd - 23rd February 2025....
Article: A Phenomenological Study of Arbaeen Foot Pilgrimage in Iraq+PDF
This paper analyzes motivations and experiences of foot-pilgrims in their journey to Karbala(Iraq) during the Arbaeen pilgrimage. The study deploys an interpretivist paradigm consisting of a phenomenological approach and...
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Prayer, Hijab and Moral Etiquettes are the Essentials of Arbaeen Pilgrimage
Philosophy Behind the Event and a Brief Commentary on the Ziyarat of Arbaeen
Various Kinds of Fasts according to Shia and Sunni Islamic Law
When Is It Permissible not to Fast while Travelling?
Weaponizing Women’s Rights: How Imperialists Justify Invasions
From the British colonization of India to the French occupation of Algeria and the subsequent military occupation of Iraq by the United States, a Western power that inherited the legacies of the former two, a recurring pattern of using women's rights as a pretext to advance the goals of Western countries is clearly observable....
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Ethiopian Islamic Council Condemns Hijab Ban in Schools
Women, Capitalism, Dishonesty
Islamic Dress, Fatima al-Zahra’s Special Attention
The Spirit of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and Sinwar Lives on
International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICOIS-25)
Institute for Scientific and Engineering Research (ISER) is delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICOIS-25) at Luxembourg City, Luxembourg on 22nd - 23rd February 2025....
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Our Duties in the Period of Occultation by Grand Ayatollah Sistani
Explanation to the Belief of Mahdism in Shi’a Imamiya by Late Ayatollah Saafi
20 Books and Articles about Imam Mahdi (as) +PDFs
Law and Piety in Medieval Islam
Shiite Sects in Kenya, South Africa
The Kenyan Shiite community which basically originated from Asia is composed of two main Shiite sects
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Book: Ashraf Ali Thanawi: Islam in Modern South Asia
Ghadir and the meaning of “Mawla” in the Light of Sunni Sources
Ḥanafīyah: An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudential Sects
Imamiyah (Shiite): An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudential Sects