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The Role of Islamic Religiosity on the Relationship between Perceived Value and Tourist Satisfaction

The findings of the study suggest that Islamic religiosity moderates the effects of Islamic physical attributes value and Islamic non-physical attributes value on Muslim customer satisfaction.

Although Muslims make up one of the largest tourist markets in the world, knowledge related to the Islamic perspective on tourism is still less represented in the related literature. This study aims to assemble the theoretical foundations of Islamic tourism thoughts in relation to modern tourism paradigms. It aims to investigate the moderating effect of Islamic religiosity on the relationship between Muslim customer perceived value (MCPV) and Muslim customer satisfaction. It studies a sample of 537 Muslim tourists and employs a positivist research approach with a quantitative basis of enquiry, a survey strategy through questionnaires, and structural equation modeling (SEM). Six dimensions of Muslim customer perceived value (quality, price, emotional value, social value, Islamic physical attributes value and Islamic non-physical attributes value) were found to have positive effects on Muslim consumer satisfaction. The findings of the study suggest that Islamic religiosity moderates the effects of Islamic physical attributes value and Islamic non-physical attributes value on Muslim customer satisfaction. The findings reinforce the importance of religiosity in understanding Muslim customer satisfaction and behavior.

Bibliographic Information

Title: The Role of Islamic Religiosity on the Relationship between Perceived Value and Tourist Satisfaction

Authors: Riyad Eid and Hatem El-Gohary

Published in: Tourism Management, Volume 46, February 2015

 Language: English

Length: 12 pages

The Role of Islamic Religiosity on the Relationship between Perceived Value and Tourist Satisfaction

About Ali Teymoori

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