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Photos: Hawza Ilmiyya of Samarra Opens under Ayatollah Sistani’s Direction

Hawza Ilmiyya Ja’fariyyah of Samarra was originally a religious seminary founded by the late Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mirza Muhammad Hassan al-Hussaini al-Shirazi known as Mirza Shirazi in 1890 in Samarra. The Hawza  was demolished  by former Iraqi regime in 1991.

The Mirza Shirazi Seminary was once the center of Shi’a learning and the seat of its most influential religious leaders under direction of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani on Friday.

Allamah Muhaqqiq Shaykh Aghabozorg Tehrani, in his al-Dhari’ah, reports the number of Mirza Shirazi’s students – who also did research in his seminary – to be over five hundred.

About Ali Teymoori

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