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Islamic Studies Program at the University of Delaware

The Islamic Studies Program at the University of Delaware is interdisciplinary and introduces students to the politics, history, anthropology, sociology, arts, and languages of the Islamic world, as well as the global growth of the Islamic economy.


The Islamic Studies Program is the University of Delaware’s window to the Islamic world. It offers students a minor with and without language (Arabic). The Islamic Studies Program is interdisciplinary and introduces students to the politics, history, anthropology, sociology, arts, and languages of the Islamic world, as well as the global growth of the Islamic economy. In conjunction with the excellent study abroad programs offered by the University, students can visit some of the most exciting and interesting places in the Islamic world. Turkey, Malaysia, Tunisia, and the Muslim Diasporas in Paris and London are just some of the places where students can go to experience Islamic culture.

The Islamic Studies Program is also a forum for an ongoing and highly enriching dialogue of civilizations between Islam and the West. Students will join with many speakers and scholars of the Islamic world in engaging dialogues that will open new vistas in their outlook toward the world.

The current Islamic Studies faculty comes from the Departments of Anthropology, Art History, English, Foreign Languages & Literatures, History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations and teach a wide variety of courses which address the people, religion, history, and culture of Islam, spanning from the Middle East and Africa to Southeast and South Asia, and from Europe and America to Muslim Delaware.

Minor Requirement

Islamic Studies at University of Delaware is an interdisciplinary area studies program that currently offers a minor with and without language.

New Minor Requirements

Students enrolling in the minor on or after September 2012 can find the minor requirements by clicking on the link Below:​. http://catalog.udel.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=11&poid=4957&returnto=408

Study Abroad

Students in the Islamic Studies minor are encouraged to spend a semester, winter or summer in a Muslim-majority country or in a European city with a historic Muslim population. UD’s Institute for Global Studies works with the Departments of Foreign Languages & Literatures, History, and others to create opportunities for students to immerse themselves in Islamic cultures, languages, architectures and histories overseas.

Opportunities to study the Islamic World abroad have included programs in Tunisia, Turkey, Morocco, and Granada, Spain. For more information, program details and current course offerings, please visit the Institute for Global Studies.

Learning about Islam in Delaware

​​In spring semester 2012, students in an anthropology course “Muslim Delaware” made visits throughout the state to learn more about the lives of Muslims in our own community.

Faculty Director

Dr. Rudolph Matthee

Munroe Professor of History

224 Munroe Hall

Newark, DE 19716



Contact the Center

Adsress: University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA

Phone: 302-831-3202

Email: lschulz@udel.edu



About Ali Teymoori

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