It can be said with certainty that the appointment of Islam’s holy Prophet is the most blessed and greatest incident that has happened for the humans in the course of history
The height of God’s mercy
“It can be said with certainty that the appointment of Islam’s holy Prophet is the most blessed and greatest incident that has happened for the humans in the course of history” (Feb. 8, 2024). “Mab’ath is a very great day. We must understand the significance of Mab’ath” (March 22, 2020). In short, perhaps it can be said that “the Bi’tha of the Seal of the Prophets is an event that should be compared with the first creation of human beings” (Jan. 21, 1993).“It could be said that Bi’tha has divided human history into two eras: the pre-Islamic era and the post-Islamic era” (July 30, 2008). And it can be asserted that “the Bi’tha of the Seal of the Prophets (pbuh) surpasses all significant and minor events throughout the entirety of human history” (Nov. 28, 1997). In fact, “the blessing of Bi’tha and the appointment of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to prophethood for humanity was greater than all the divine blessings throughout history” (June 30, 2011). “The appointment of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to prophethood is the greatest gift ever given by Almighty God to all of humanity.” (Feb. 18, 2023). The reason for this is that “his appointment to prophethood brought treasures for humankind that are never-ending. … These treasures can ensure human beings’ felicity in their lives, even in their lives in this world before the Hereafter” (Feb. 18, 2023). Monotheism is a treasure that nothing can match in terms of its weight and importance, “because worshiping God frees humankind from slavery and servitude to others” (Feb. 18, 2023). Purification is another gift, “He purifies them” (Quran 3:164). Purification is in fact the medicine that frees humankind from corruption. It is purification that removes and cleans away the various moral vices from human society, from people’s beings, and purifies people’s hearts” (Feb. 18, 2023). Teaching the Book is another of the gifts, “And he teaches them the Book” (Quran 3:164).
“Teaching the Book means lives come under the direction of divine guidance” (Feb. 18, 2023). And [there is also] wisdom, “And he teaches them the Book and wisdom” (Quran 3:164). “This means that society should be directed by reason, wisdom, sagacity, and intellect” (Feb. 18, 2023). Another gift is the teaching of resistance. Resistance is the secret to achieving goals (Feb. 18, 2023). Another unique treasure is “justice. This means justice without discrimination, whether concerning economic issues, in the field of humanistic issues, or social justice in general” (Feb. 18, 2023). Furthermore, “one of the most important treasures, which unfortunately is not given enough attention to, is being firm and impervious when facing ill-wishers” (Feb. 18, 2023). Because “human societies normally suffer due to the influence of their enemies” (Feb. 18, 2023). “Being influenced by an enemy, a foreign power, or an ill-wisher means that you have no authority of your own. They come, and your society becomes like an unconscious person who can be injected with whatever they please for them to take control of it” (Feb. 18, 2023). One of the treasures is “kindness, affection, sincerity, and cordiality between individuals in a society” (Feb. 18, 2023). One of the treasures that always exists is “a person avoiding and not helping the transgressors and the evildoers in the world” (Feb. 18, 2023). Another of these thousands of precious treasures is “becoming free from the chains of ignorance, prejudice, inactivity, stagnation, and such things” (Feb. 18, 2023). “If we only consider two values from among all Islamic values – an increase in rationality and the cultivation of morality … we will confirm that Islam has given the best gift and the means for felicity to humanity” (March 1, 2022). Because of this, “Eid al-Mab’ath is an Eid for all human beings, not only for Muslims” (Sept. 2, 2005). In other words, “It is an Eid for all of humanity … because from the first moments of the Bi’tha and the start of revelation to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), all of the means needed for the good and improvement of human society have existed in the verses of the Quran [for them]” (Feb. 13, 1991). From this point of view, “the appointment of the Prophet to prophethood (Bi’tha) was a manifestation of God’s utmost mercy to humankind and humanity” (April 14, 2018). And the truth is that “there are many people in the world today who have not placed themselves directly in the path of the rays coming from the Prophet’s Bi’tha – that is, the non-Muslims. However, these people too have benefited from the blessings of this Bi’tha” (Nov. 28, 1997).
A mission to save humanity and establishing the system of good
“Bi’tha has different aspects. The beams of light emanating from Bi’tha are not just one or two things” (June 18, 2012). In other words, “Bi’tha belongs to human beings. It is for human beings. Human beings are infinite and possess abundant dimensions. They are not limited to this physical body, matter, and the temporary life of this world. They are not limited in spirituality either. They are not limited to a specific period in history. … Bi’tha is for people. It is for the destiny and the guidance of people” (Nov. 17, 1998). With this description, although it is impossible to accurately define the entirety of the Bi’tha or cover all its aspects, a part of it can be described in a few points. Firstly, “the Holy Prophet’s Bi’tha was primarily an invitation to monotheism. Monotheism is not merely a philosophical, intellectual theory. Rather, it is a way of life for human beings.” (Sept. 24, 2003). The second point is that “in several places, the Holy Quran refers to the sending down of messengers and prophets. This is described as ‘Bath’ [literally ‘to appoint or send’]. … The mission of the prophets was to transform. Their movement was not an ordinary movement simply for the sake of bringing some lessons.” (Apr. 3, 2019). Rather, it means that “the inspiration and sending of prophets leads to the inspiration of people and society. As a result of this, people are propelled into action” (March 11, 2021). In other words, “Mab’ath means inspiration for the salvation of human beings and humanity. Mab’ath means establishing the system of good and peace among the human community” (May 5, 2016). For example, “Plato and Socrates were individuals who taught certain things to people, but their mission is not classified as being Bi’tha. The duty of prophets was not the same. The prophets’ job was related to Bi’tha. The Bi’tha of the Holy, Great Prophet of Islam was the best, most comprehensive, most complete, most permanent one” (April 3, 2019). Thirdly, “the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) Bi’tha was a Bi’tha of mercy. With this Bi’tha, divine mercy was bestowed on God’s servants, and this path was opened up for people. Bi’tha brought up the topics of justice, security, and health” (July 10, 2010). In other words, the purpose of Bi’tha was to “bring good news of a peaceful life, a life filled with justice, and a life in accordance with human creation” (July 10, 2010). If we want to explain this in a better way, we should say, “The Prophet’s (pbuh) Bi’tha, was a practical move to bring human beings to the final stage of personal, mental, and spiritual perfection on the one hand, and to a superior social life and the improvement of the society on the other hand” (Dec. 20, 1995).
Therefore, “from the first moments of the Bi’tha and the revelation to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), the Quran has brought all the various means to benefit and improve human society” (Feb. 13, 1991). Fourthly, “every one of the divine prophets who came led the wandering human caravan toward perfection, knowledge, ethics, and justice, bringing them one step closer to the level of human perfection. All the wisdom that human beings have accumulated throughout history is due to the teachings of the prophets” (Sept. 2, 2005). And “undoubtedly, human sciences and civilization, good morals among human beings, good habits, and many other such things – though they may not appear directly linked to religions – fundamentally originate from religions and divine teachings. At the forefront of these stands the Bi’tha of the Noble Prophet of Islam (pbuh)” (Nov. 28, 1997). Therefore, “as time passes and people experience various things, people become aware of the limitations and harms that exist in their lives. Various aspects and the Bi’tha of the Noble Prophet show themselves more” (July 20, 2009). Another important point is that “Bi’tha was not merely a historical event for a specific era. Rather, it is for all eras in history. (May 16, 2015) “In other words, Bi’tha is something lasting for human beings” (Jan. 10, 1994). “That is, whenever spirituality seems to fade from the world and human beings’ lives, the teachings in the Holy Quran have the ability to emerge and fill the gaps at any given moment” (Jan. 10, 1994). On the other hand, “in opposition to Mab’ath stands the front of ignorance” (May 5, 2016). “Jahiliyyah (ignorance) does not refer to just illiteracy and unawareness. Of course, illiteracy is a part of it, but it has a broader meaning. … It includes unawareness, illiteracy, a lack of knowledge, bad-temperedness, oppression, discrimination, violation of others’ rights, the trampling of the weak, promiscuity, decadence, and moral chaos” (March 1, 2022). “Jahiliyyah should not be thought to be a concern that is related to a specific period of history. … Jahiliyyah was not particular to one time. Jahiliyyah continues today, just as Mab’ath continues to the present time” (May 5, 2016). When “the people of Iran stood behind a great personage like our magnanimous Imam … When they destroyed the derelict network of the satanic tyrants in the most important area of the region, Iran, and when they erected an Islamic structure, this was the continuation of the Holy Prophet’s Bi’tha” (April 3, 2019). And “our nation considers the movement, the universal Bi’tha, and the historic national awakening with the Revolution as the continuation of that great prophetic mission” (Nov. 6, 1999). Those who are in the front of Jahiliyyah today and “those who are the enemies of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic are enemies of the Islamic Bi’tha and the monotheistic movement” (April 3, 2019).
The Bi’tha of the Islamic Ummah
The final point is that “celebrating Mab’ath means speaking of the great lessons contained in the Bi’tha of the Prophet more than just glorifying an honored memory. And today, all of humanity – especially the Muslims – are in need of these lessons” (Sept. 24, 2003). The first lesson and duty is that “the Holy Prophet is a good exemplar. This means he was a role model whom we must follow. He is on a peak and we need to move from this base toward that peak. Humankind must move toward that peak to the best of its ability” (Oct. 14, 2022). And the second lesson and duty is that this path is “to introduce Bi’tha. Primarily, public opinion in the world should understand the concept and meaning of Bi’tha. This is a very important point” (April 25, 2017). Thus, “it is our duty as Muslims to show this message to the people around the world with our behavior, speech, and determination” (Oct. 25, 2000) Thirdly, “every Muslim has the duty to implement the Bi’tha of the Prophet in both their personal lives and in their own world. With faith, deeds, and striving toward the objectives of the Bi’tha of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Muslims aim to enter the Heaven of divine bliss” (Feb. 23, 1990). And fourthly, we need to remain steadfast, because “the Prophet himself stood firmly. He didn’t say, ‘This is how it is. What can I do about it?’ Some people justify their weaknesses and shortcomings by saying, ‘That’s just how it is. What can you do about it?’ This is not the kind of reality that one should submit to. … The realities that have been imposed on others using violence and force must be shattered” (Oct. 5, 2002). And basically, “steadfastness brings steadfastness. … The steadfastness that was demonstrated at the beginning of the Bi’tha led to the extraordinary steadfastness that existed during the three years in Shi’b Abi Talib. … This is how the Islamic Ummah flourished. This is the Bi’tha of the Islamic Ummah” (July 30, 2008). And the most important lesson of all of the Bi’tha is that “when the will of the people is harmonious with and subject to God’s will, people are able to accomplish feats that seem impossible. They can achieve goals that are out of a person’s reach based on conventional thinking and calculations” (Oct. 14, 2022).