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Imamiyah (Shiite): An Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudential Sects

5-1-6- the Sources of Jurisprudential Rules

–         Al-Qawā‘id wa al-Fawā’id, Shahīd Awwal (d. 786 A.H.). Consisted of 303 rules and 100 notes regarding jurisprudence,

–         Naḍd al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, Fāḍil Miqdād, (d. 826 A. H.). It expurgated and organized version of al-Qawā‘id wa al-Fawā’id,

–         Tamhīd al-Qawā‘id, Shahīd al-Thānī (d. 976 A. H.),

–         ‘Awā’id al-Ayyām, Mullā Ahmad Narāqī (d. 1244 A.H.). Includes 88 rules.

–         Al-‘Anāwīn, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ Marāghī (d. 1274 A. H.). includes 93 rules,

–         Balaghah al-Faqīh, Sayyid Muhammad Baḥr al-‘Ulūm (d. 1326 A. H.),

–         Tḥrīr al-Majillah, ‘Allāmah Muhammad Ḥusein Āli Kāshif al-Ghiṭā’ (d. 1373 A.H.),

–         Al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, Ayatollah Mīrzā Ḥasan Bujnurdī (d. 1395 A. H.) Includes 70 rules,

–         Al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, His Eminence Ayatollah Nāṣir Makārim Shīrāzī,

–         Al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, His Eminence Ayatollah Muhammad Fāḍil Lankarānī (d. 1430 A.H.),

–         Durūs Tamhīdīyah fī al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, Ayatollah Sheikh Bāqir Īrawānī. (in one and two volumes),

–         Al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah wa al-Uṣūlīyah ‘alá Madhhab al-Imāmīyah, the research committee of the World Assembly for Proximity of Islamic Schools.

–         Al-Qawā‘id, professor Sayyid Kāẓim Muṣṭafawī,

–         Qawā‘id-i Fiqh, Sayyid Muṣṭafá Muḥaqqiq Dāmād. (two volumes civil section, and two volumes penal section)

–         Qawā‘id-i Fiqh, professor ‘Abbās Ali ‘Amīd Zanjānī, (in 3volumes including 3 sections of: public law, private law, and criminal law)

–         Qawā‘id-i Fiqhīyah, professor Sayyid Muhammad Mūsawī Bujnurdī, (two volumes)

–         Qawā‘id-i Fiqh, ‘Īsá Wilā’ī,

–         Etc.

The texts of recent time, more or less, are favored by universities and religious schools as the textbooks of the subjects of jurisprudence and Islamic law.


5-1-7- Educational Sources

5-1-7-1- Common and Official Jurisprudential Textbooks

–         Sharāyi‘ al-Islām, Muḥaqqiq Ḥillī,

–         Mukhtaar al-Nāfi‘, Muḥaqqiq Ḥillī,

–         Tabirah al-Muta‘allimīn, Fakhr al-Muḥaqqiqīn al-Ḥillī, Muhammad b. Ḥasan (d. 771 A.H.),

–         Al-Lum‘ah al-Damishqīyah, al-Shahīd al-Awwal,

–         Al-Rawḍah al-Bahiyah fī  Shar Al-Lum‘ah al-Damishqīyah, al-Shahīd al-Thānī,

–         Al-‘urwah al-Wuthqá, al-Yazdī,

–         Tḥrīr al-Wasīlah, al-Imam al-Khomeini,

–         Al-Makāsib, Sheikh al-Anṣārī,


5-1-7-2- New Textbooks of precepts of positive Law (issuing fatwas, and argumentive)

(Bellow mentioned list is arranged from easy to difficult.)

–         Āmūzish-i Fiqh, Fallāḥzādah,

–         Ma‘rifah Abwāb al-Fiqh, Muḥsin Faqīhī,

–         Tḥrīr-i Tḥrīr al-Wasīlah, Ali Mishkīnī,

–         Tḥrīr al-Rawḍah, Ali Riḍā Amīnī and Muhammad riḍā Āyatī,

–         Muntakhibāt min al-Mabāḥith al-Fiqhīyah, Ḥusein Mihrpūr,

–          Mabādī ‘Ilm al-Fiqh, ‘Abd al-Hādī al-Faḍlī,

–         Durūs Tamhīdīyah fī al-Fiqh al-Istidlālī, Bāqir al-Īrawānī,

–         Durūs fī al-Fiqh al-Istidlālī (ṭahārah and bay‘), Bāqir al-Īrawānī,

–         Durūs fī Fiqh al-Imāmīyah, ‘Abd al-Hādī al-Faḍlī,


5-1-7-3- New Textbooks of Jurisprudential Rules

–         Durūs Tamhīdīyah fī al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, Bāqir al-Īrawānī, (the first volume)

–         Durūs Tamhīdīyah fī al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqhīyah, Bāqir al-Īrawānī, (the second volume)

–         Al-Qawā‘id al-Fiqh, al-Sayyid Kāẓim al-Muṣṭafawī,

–         Qawā‘id-i Fiqh, ‘Īsá Mīrzā’ī,


5-1-7-4- New Educational Compilations of Jurisprudence

–         Fiqh (a part of a companion to an acquaintance with Islāmic studies), Muṭahharī, Murtaḍā(d. 1398 A.H.),

–         Darāmadī bar Fiqh-i Islāmī, Riḍā Islāmī,

–         Mabādī-i Fiqh wa Uṣūl, Ali Riḍā fayḍ,

–         Madkhal-i ‘Ilm-i Fiqh, Riḍā Islāmī,

–         Adwār ‘Ilm al-Fiqh wa Aṭwāruh, Sheikh Ḥasan Kāshif al-Ghiṭā’ (d. 1262 A.H.),

–         Tārīkh al-Tashrī‘ al-Islāmī, ‘Abd al-Hādī al-Faḍlī,

About Alireza Mosaddeq

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