The book “ Nuclear Energy for All, Nuclear Weapons for None” is a Compilation of Speeches of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran...
May, 2018
14 May
Immigration And Jihad by Martyr Morteza Motahhari+PDF
This booklet is a record of a series of lectures the late author had delivered in gatherings held in Tehran for the annual commemoration of the martyrdom ...
14 May
Jihad the Holy War of Islam and Its Legitimacy in the Quran+PDF
This book Includes verses in the Qur'an that address Jihad (struggle in the way of God), the legitimacy of Jihad, Islam and Peace, Defense vs. aggression...
13 May
Lessons in Islamic Laws+PDF
This book aims to build the Islamic fiqh culture according to the school of the Ahlul Bayt amongst the youth and the teenagers. It is the second in a series of books on Islamic culture made easy, the first being ‘Islamic Belief System in...
13 May
26th Gathering of Ulamas and Imams of UK’s Islamic Centers+Pics
The 26th gathering of Ulamas and Imams of Britain’s Islamic centers and Mosques was held on 12th May 2018 at Islamic center of England...
12 May
Shia Ruling on Congregational Prayer Behind a Sunni Imam
The verdict regarding congregational prayers behind an Ahl al-Sunnah Imām was consistently discussed by Shī’a jurists. While it was for many centuries a discussion that would take place within the context of practicing dissimulation due to fear, after the 20th century most jurists began discussing it through the...
12 May
Photos of Int’l Congress on the Role of Shi’a in the Emergence of Islamic Studies
what follows are some selected pictures of the International Congress on the Role of the Shi’a School in the Emergence and Development of Islamic Sciences which was closed on 11 May...
11 May
The Role of Women Towards the System of Wilayat+PDF
This book is a translation of the Urdu Seminar "Nizam-e-Wilayat" delivered by: Hujjatul Islam Sayed Jawad Naqvi. It is an eye opener for us...
10 May
Accusations of Unbelief in Islam: A Diachronic Perspective on Takfīr
The present volume—the first of its kind—deals with takfīr: accusing one´s opponents of unbelief ( kufr). Originating in the first decades of Islam, this practice has been applied intermittently ever...
9 May
A History of Islamic Legal Theories: An Introduction to Sunni Usul al-Fiqh+PDF
The book "History of Islamic Legal Theories" provides an excellent starting-point to follow these important debates that will help determine the future direction of Muslim societies...