This work contains a number of speeches, articles, books, and question-and-answer sessions of the erudite professor, Haḍrat Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi...
June, 2018
28 June
82 Questions by AbdulHussain Dastgheyb +PDF
This text attempts to answer modern challenges to Islamic positions; it begins with an exposition of the five Usool-e-deen (roots of religion) and continues by giving answers from the...
27 June
Ayatollah Sayyid Hussain Broujerdi in Picture
Ayatollah Sayyid Hussein Tabatabaei Broujerdi, the great leader of Islam Shia sect, a great scholar of Islamic world of 20th century, was born in 1875 at the city of Boroujerd 400 kilometer south west of Tehran in Iran. His father was the late Seyed Ali Tabatabaiee, a Moslem Clergy of …
20 June
Challenging the ‘Shiʿi Century’: the Fatimids (909-1171), Buyids (945-1055)
“Challenging the 'Shiʿi Century': the Fatimids (909-1171), Buyids (945-1055), and the creation of a sectarian narrative of Medieval Islamic history” focuses on two Shiʿi dynasties of the tenth century, the Fatimid caliphate (909-1171) of Egypt and...
17 June
A History of the Shiʻa People by Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
This book deals with the history of the Shi‘a Ithna-‘Ashari Muslim community from the early days of Islam up to present day. Starting with a brief note on the origin of the Shia faith, the book describes the...
16 June
Islamic Environmentalism: Activism in the United States and Great Britain +PDF
The book focuses upon Muslim activists and Islamic organizations that approach environmentalism as a religious duty: offering environmental readings of Islamic scriptures, and integrating religious ritual and practice with...
10 June
Islam and the Living Law : the Ibn al-Arabi Approach +PDF
Ibn Al Arabi, the mystic scholar of the 13th century, highlights the ambiguities of language and the polysemantic, multifaceted text of the Quran. With Al Arabi's help...
10 June
Al-Tabari’s Book of Jihad
The Book of Jihad" (Kitab al-Jihad) is part of the fragmentary "Book of the Disagreement among Muslim Jurists" (Kitab Ikhtilaf al Fuqaha') by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari...
10 June
The Function of Orality in Islamic Law and Practices : Verbalizing Meaning
The author argues most cogently that the Islamic Shari'a is a social construct shaped by the prevailing norms and sustained through the subsequent centuries as...
10 June
The Sunnah and its Role in Islamic Legislation +PDF
The author manages to cover all topics related to the Sunnah-its status, its legislative force, the stages that led to its recording then he presents the views of those that have ...