In this book Islamic laws explained with focus on the problems and issues faced by the Muslims in the West presented in a question and answer format according to Ayatollah Sistani...
July, 2018
3 July
Imamate and Leadership: Lessons on Islamic Doctrine +PDF
It includes leadership in Islam, leadership of the Prophet and appointment of Imam Ali, responsibility of the companions, necessity of Imamate...
3 July
Why Illegitimate Children Do not Allow to Lead Congregational Prayer?
From the logical (ʿaqlī) and Islamic legal (sharʿī) perspective, why is it that children born out of wedlock (illegitimate children), despite the fact that they may be good people, are not allowed to...
1 July
ʿIlal al-sharāyiʿ- Reasons of the Rulings-Volume 2 +PDF
ʿIlal al-sharāyiʿ (literally: reasons of the rulings) is an Arabic book written by al-Shaykh al-Saduq (d. 381/991) who was a great jurist (faqih) and hadith scholars of Shi'a in fourth/tenth century....
1 July
ʿIlal al-sharāyiʿ- Reasons of the Rulings-Volume 1 +PDF
ʿIlal al-sharāyiʿ (literally: reasons of the rulings) is an Arabic book written by al-Shaykh al-Saduq (d. 381/991) who was a great jurist (faqih) and hadith scholars of Shi'a in fourth/tenth century...
June, 2018
30 June
Thirty Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence +PDF
In the face of new and more complicated situations that are the result of scientific and technological advancement...
30 June
Islamic Political Theory: Legislation +PDF
The first of two volumes of the renowned and comprehensive text on Islamic political theory by Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi, dealing with the importance of recognizing Islam as the basis of any just...
30 June
The Shia-Sunni Debate: Answering the 50 Most Common Questions +PDF
With this book the authors try to bridge the gap between Muslims by answering the most common questions that arise when Sunni and Shia debate. The answers provided have as resources the Holy Qur'an and tradition books of...
30 June
Imam Ali and Political Leadership +PDF
This text presents Imam Ali's policy in governmental, political, military, social, cultural, economical and judicial affairs in Islam. The book also...
28 June
Forty Questions on Islamic State: a Collection of Students’ Queries on Political Thought+PDF
The present work is a thorough examination of what the Islamic State should be, why it needs to exist and what differences are between opinions about the...