This paper addresses topics and reveals how Imam Musa Sadr foresaw, as early as the 1960s, the threats we are facing today. After touching on the concept of universalism, we will discuss how it...
July, 2018
15 July
Book: Reflections on the Philosophy of Imam Musa Sadr
We are far away from a conclusion about the philosophy of Imam Musa Sadr and the role he played as an intellectual within the global politics as to understand the character of his worldview and the nature of his political philosophy as well as...
14 July
Your Personal Guide to Hajj Umrah Ziyarat+PDF
This booklet was designed to provide you with some insight and clarification as you embark on your spiritual journey according to Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hussaini Sistani...
8 July
For a Better Future,200 Questions and Answers Regarding the Concerns of the Youth, Marriage and Children +PDF
The book contains 200 questions and answers regarding the concerns of the youth, marriage and children. The book is like a pharmacy containing different intellectual and educational...
8 July
Fixed and Variable Aspects of Islamic Legislation +PDF
This text evaluates and analyzes the temporary and permanent natures of Islamic rules. So, first of all, the subject of law has been explained from the...
8 July
Islamic Law According to Five Schools of Jurisprudence +PDF
Islamic Law According to Five Schools of Jurisprudence- Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi`i, and Ja`fari madhhabs- is a compilation of legal opinions of scholars from these schools of thought concerning, family, property, inheritance, and...
8 July
Fasting And Zakat: According To Five Schools Of Islamic Law +PDF
This work on the Shariah or Islamic Law offers a comparative study of the Divine Law that, according to authentic Islamic doctrines, embodies the Will of God in society...
5 July
Divorce: According To Five Schools Of Islamic Law +PDF
The issue of divorce is discussed in this present book. The three main criteria for divorce are: adulthood, sanity and free volition. As with other legal issues there are a lot of similarities and differences between the five Schools of...
5 July
Defending the Woman’s Rights+PDF
The author discusses the woman as seen in Islam, her creation, perfection, reason and her family and social status, together with her mission, which are vitally addressed through the Holy..
3 July
Contemporary Legal Rulings In Shi’i Law +PDF
This work contains the translation of a selection of new legal rulings that are based on the opinion of the eminent jurist Ayatollah al-'Uzma al-Sayyid 'Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani, who resides in Najaf, Iraq, and is...