This is a guidebook from a series of Guidebooks that aim to answer all the questions a woman would have in relation to Islamic issues in order to help them gain more Ma'rifat and...
August, 2018
4 August
Book: Materials for the Intellectual History of Imāmī Shīʿism in the Safavid Period
In 1934 the New York Public Library purchased a sizable collection of 250 volumes of Arabic manuscripts through the fund for Semitic literature that had been provided by...
2 August
Hajj The Islamic Pilgrimage According to The Five Schools of Islamic Law+pdf
The Islamic fiqh (jurisprudence) is divided into several sections: 'Ibadat (rituals) that include: ritual purity (taharah), prayers (salat), fasting (sawm), alms (zakat), one-fifth (khums) and pilgrimage (hajj)...
July, 2018
30 July
Prohibition of Two Lawful Pleasures: A Critical Assessment of Prohibition of Mut’a of Hajj and Mut’a Marriage+PDF
In Islamic rulings, we have two Mut'as, Mut'a of hajj and Mut'a (temporary) marriage. Muslim scholars have from long time ago seriously discussed these two issues from...
27 July
Book: Descendants of the Family of the Prophet in Contemporary History
This book analyses the history of four major branches of the Alid family: Bahr al-Ulums, al-Hakims, al-Khoeis, and...
27 July
Book: Islam, Law, and Equality in Indonesia
The writer in this book analyses the social frameworks for disputes about land, inheritance, marriage, divorce, Islamic History and...
22 July
Article: Islamic Jurisprudence and the Status of Arthropods
This paper -Islamic Jurisprudence and the Status of Arthropods: as alternative source of protein and with regard to E120- aims to explore the scope of Arthropods consumption with respect to the various rulings of different Islamic...
21 July
Iqtisaduna [Our Economics] Vol. 01 Part I +PDF
This book comprises an attempt to discover Islamic Economic Doctrine in the light of the enactments of the laws of Islam and their implications, connected ...
16 July
Draft Teaching Manual: Islamic Law and Human Rights +PDF
The main aim of this module is to introduce student s to comparative perspectives on Islamic law and Human Rights drawing upon English language scholarship in the field. It is intended to provide an understanding of sources of the Islamic...
15 July
Book: Islamic Laws of Expiation: According to the Rulings of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani
What are the rulings of His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, concerning the most important Islamic laws of expiation, such as for breaking a fast during the month of Ramadan, breaking an oath, and more...