This teaching and learning manual has been developed with the aim of supporting teachers and students interested in Islamic law in general and Islamic family law in particular, in both Muslim and...
January, 2019
1 January
Female Personalities in the Qur’an and Sunna: Examining the Major Sources of Imami Shi’i Islam
The purpose of this work is to investigate the manner in which the Qur’an and Sunna depict female personalities in their narrative literature. It is a comprehensive study of all the female personalities mentioned in...
December, 2018
31 December
Violations of Women’s Human Rights in Saudi Arabia
Islam’s equality between men and women is indeed guaranteed; there is no doubt about it except in the minds of the ignorant, be they non-Muslims or Muslims whose knowledge of...
29 December
Prophet Muhammad’s Covenant to the Christians of Najran
The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad is a useful source for all those interested in the cultural and religious history of the Muslim world and the cultural relationship between Islam and...
29 December
Al-Murajaʻat: A Shiʻi-Sunni Dialogue +PDF
This book contains letters communicated between Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din, a well-known Shiite scholar in Lebanon and al-Shaykh Salim al-Bishri, a well-known Sunni scholar in...
29 December
Book: Female Religious Authority in Shi’i Islam, Past and Present
This collection of case studies, covering the period from classical Islam to the present, and taken from across the Shiʿi Islamic world, reflects on the roles that women have played in exercising religious authority across time and...
27 December
Was Imam Ali a Misogynist? The Portrayal of Women in Nahj al-Balaghah and Kitab Sulaym ibn Qays
One of the most controversial Shiʻi texts today is a sermon in Nahj al-Balaghah (an early eleventh century collection of materials attributed to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) describing women as deficient in faith and intellect. This is only one of several passages in Nahj al-Balaghah which come across as...
25 December
Ancient Prophet for a Modern World-The True Story of Jesus (P)
The story of the birth of Jesus is so eloquently and passionately described in Chapter Nineteen (Surah Maryam) of the holy Quran that it brings one to tears. There are approximately ninety Ayaat spread across fifteen Surahs of the...
24 December
The Life of Two Mujtahidahs: Female Religious Authority in 20th Century Iran
The present chapter introduces two Iranian female mujtahidahs, Nuṣrat Amīn (1886 - 1983) and Zuhrah Ṣifātī (1948 - ), who represent like few other contemporaries the status of female religious authority in 20th century Iran, divided by the...
23 December
Three Sources of Shiʿi Knowledge and Authority+PDF
Throughout Shiʿi history, scholars (ʿulamāʾ) have been trying to answer the following question: in the absence of the Prophet and the Imams, how is sure knowledge (ʿilm) derived?...