Wahhabis are not considered to be part of the four major madhāhib due to the great contrast between their approach in methodology and the methodologies of the Hanbalis and other madhāhib...
January, 2019
12 January
At the Margins of Law: Adjudicating Muslim Families in Contemporary Delhi
The dissertation is based on eighteen months of fieldwork that the writer conducted in four types of Muslim family law institutions: sharia courts (dar ul qaza institutions), women's arbitration centers (mahila panchayats), a mufti's authoritative legal advice (fatawa), and a...
10 January
Shari`a in the Secular State: Evolving Meanings of Islamic Jurisprudence in Turkey
This book contributes important insights related to Islamic jurisprudence and secularism in the Turkish context and regarding the role of language in contested legal and religious contexts....
10 January
Al-Sarakhsī’s Contribution to the Islamic Law of War +PDF
This paper examines the contributions of the Ḥanafī jurist al-Sarakhsī (d. 483 AH/1090-91 CE) to the development of the Islamic tradition of war. By examining al-Sarakhsī’s treatment of the use of force by both state and non-state actors in...
9 January
Authority in Absence? Shiʿi Politics of Salvation from the Classical Period to Modern Republicanism
The authority of the Imam – an absent authority – is a governance of souls, even of their governmentality but not a government of power politics. At least that kingdom is deferred to the parousia of the Imam when he...
8 January
Video: Nusrat Amin’s Treasury of Knowledge by Dr. Massi Dakake
Most of women who reached very high level in religious scholarship or religious establishment in Iran are the wives or the daughters of famous religious scholars; religious scholars who have a family legacy. But Nusrat Amin doesn’t...
5 January
Article: Hanafi Fiqh in India during Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526)
The period of Delhi Sultanate was a bright era of Indian history which witnessed revolutionary changes in education, sciences, architecture, fine arts, administration etc. The Islamic sciences, especially, fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) flourished and...
5 January
Book: The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent
The book “The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: the Peasants' Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods” focuses in particular on the interrelated areas of...
4 January
A General Outlook at Rituals by Martyred Muhammed-Baqir Haidar al-Sadr
Rituals enjoy an important role in Islam. Their injunctions represent an important part of jurisprudence and a worshipping conduct which formulates a noticeable phenomenon in the daily life of...
3 January
Religion and Human Rights in the Thought of W. E. Hocking
In this article the writer, Muhammad Legenhausen, reviews Hocking’s thinking on the foundations of human rights and their relation to the religious traditions of...