In this article, the writer examines the appearance of Muslim women before the judge during the Abbasid period (132-334/750-945), both in theory and practice...
March, 2019
17 March
New Book Release: Islamic Laws of Food & Drink according to the Ayatollah Sistani’s Rulings
This booklet provides valuable Islamic guidance that covers every aspect of eating and drinking– important ethical considerations and a description of various types of foods, their qualities, and the....
17 March
Prayer, Mosque, and Pilgrimage: Mapping Shī’ī Sectarian Identity in 2nd/8th Century Kūfa
Most studies on the emergence of Shīʿism privilege the role of theology and emphasize the importance of rival historical claims regarding Muḥam mad’s succession....
17 March
The Link between Islamic Law and Hydrocarbon Agreements
This article sets out to make clear the connection between Islamic law and hydrocarbon concessions, and provides a brief summary of the religion and its bearing on hydrocarbon...
15 March
Was al-Shafiʻi the Master Architect of Islamic Jurisprudence?
During the last three or four decades, modern scholarship has increasingly come to recognize Muhammad Ibn Idris al-Shafiʻi (d. 820) as having played a most central role in the early development of...
14 March
Al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī (d. 1325) and the Early Reception of Kātibī’s Shamsīya
In the following article, the writer examines how the commentary Ḥillī wrote on the Shamsīya, al-Qawāʿid al-jalīya fī sharḥ al-Risāla al-Shamsīya, fits in with his other works on logic, and how it responds to Kātibī’s logical program in general and to the syllogistic in...
14 March
Article: Islamic Law and Environmental Ethics
The article titled, Islamic Law and Environmental Ethics: How Jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh) Mobilizes Practical Reform, shows how those principles can function as mechanisms for normative change, and reviews their diagnostic capacity for evaluating various uses of...
14 March
Article: Conceptualizing Shari‘a in the Modern State
This Article addresses the animated and evolving role that Shari'a, and Shari'a conceptions play in the contemporary world. There are various manifestations of this evolving role in the often dynamic, subtle, highly negotiated, and far from formalistic ways that Shari'a is animated in today's world...
13 March
Book: Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia
he purpose of this book is to shed light on the often misunderstood polygamous situation in modern Saudi Arabia...
10 March
The Application of Religious Law in North American Courts: a Case Study of Mutʿa Marriages
This comparative study examines the legal requirements for marriage in Islam as well as the legal requirements for mutʿa within Shiʿi traditions...