Many of the woman in attendance continued making and wearing headscarves in solidarity with their Muslim neighbors...
March, 2019
25 March
Discourse on Hudud in Malaysia: Addressing the Missing Dimension
Implementation of Islamic criminal law particularly of the hudud at present time, beyond its politics, raises numerous juridical problems of substantive law, procedure and...
25 March
Gender and Legal Authority: An Examination of Early Juristic Opposition to Women’s Hadīth Transmission
This article analyzes two cases of early juristic opposition to the legal authority of hadīth narrated by women...
24 March
Article: Negotiating Muslim–Christian Relations in Kenya through Waqfs, 1900–2010
The article draws mainly on the perspective of the Muslim minority in Kenya and argues that state control of waqfs in Kenya did not only interfere with normative practices but also partly laid the ground for the present-day economic and political marginalization and exclusion of...
24 March
Book: Towards A Fiqh For Minorities: Some Basic Reflections
“Fiqh for Minorities” is an important subject and a much needed contribution to an area of fiqh that has become essential for the well being and development of Muslim communities living in...
24 March
Prisoners of War: A Comparative Study of the Principles of International Humanitarian Law and the Islamic Law of War
The treatment of prisoners of war (POWs) has been an issue of concern to all those engaged in armed conflict for centuries. The problem of how to deal with POWs is not a new one and their treatment is a question with which the laws of war have been particularly …
22 March
Video: New Zealand Broadcasts Adhan to Honor Victims of Terrorist Attacks
The Islamic call to prayer, the adhan, rang out across New Zealand on Friday afternoon as thousands gathered to honor the 50 people gunned down at two...
22 March
Book: Shariah Law: Questions and Answers
The book is Comprehensive in its scope and detailed in discussing how shariah addresses issues such as worship, criminal law, gender and family, banking and finance, and modern bioethical and...
22 March
Book: The Islamic Scholarly Tradition
The book “The Islamic Scholarly Tradition, Studies in History, Law and Thought in Honor of Professor Micnael Cock” contains highly original articles on Islamic history, law, and thought, each either proposing new hypotheses or readjusting...
19 March
Video: A Shiʻa Jurist Who Got Beat by His Wife!!
When he became a Shia authority and marja’, his followers realized that his wife had a bad behavior at home. They came to investigate the issue only to find out that sometimes his wife would beat him...