‘Fiqh al-Imam al-Sadiq’ is an example of dynamic jurisprudence and it illustrates how fiqh evolves through the times. Books of this caliber that touch...
April, 2019
16 April
The Ritual and Spiritual Purity +PDF
This book is an important guide for Muslims which is explaining the rules and spiritual significance of Najasat and...
14 April
Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults +PDF
Every action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform, which are related to our responsibility (to Allah) are divided into five categories: Wajib, Haram, Mustahab, Makruh, and...
14 April
Rights Of Women In Islam +PDF
This book outlines general rights of women with special emphasis to marriage. Some of the areas covered are marriage proposal, engagement, temporary marriage, modernity, dowry, inheritance, divorce, and...
14 April
Al-Shahid al-‘Awwal Faqih al-Sarbidaran +PDF
A detailed story of the life of Muhammad Shams Al-Din, known as Al-Shahid Al-Awwal Faqih Al-Sarbidaran. Al-Shahid Al-Awwal is counted among those...
13 April
Twelver Shia in Edinburgh: Marking Muharram, Mourning Husayn
Research on the Shia in Scotland and of their spaces of worship and gathering continues to be under represented in the research field of Muslims in Britain. According to the 2011 census, there are...
13 April
New Released: “The Zaydi Reception of Bahshamite Muʿtazilism”
Iranian libraries hold only few manuscripts that testify to the extended and intensive Muʿtazilite past in the various centers of Zaydi scholarship in the Caspian region, in Ḫurāsān, and in Rayy. Among the few Muʿtazilite Zaydi works preserved in the libraries of Iran is a miscellany held by the library …
11 April
Women’s Issues Made Simple +PDF
This book aims to explain in a clear language the special rules Muslim women must follow during their menstrual cycles and at other times to achieve ritual...
11 April
Woman by Mahdi Mahrizi +PDF
In this Book, the writer has discussed the Social independence of women, modern life and Islam, women in Qur'an, family rights, differences between men and women, inheritance, divorce, mut'a, and polygamy...
9 April
Temporary Marriage in Sunni and Shiite Islam
The main objective of the study on temporary marriage in Shiite and Sunni Islam by Khalid Sindawi is to analyze and survey the views of Islamic jurists both ancient and modern on the...