Monks and Muslims brings together presentations made at the fourth in a series of encounters between Roman Catholic Benedictines and Iranian Shi‘a Muslims, a process which began in Ampleforth Abbey in 2003, and which has also involved encounters in the...
July, 2022
21 July
Efforts to Systematize the Imāmiyya Kalām in the Early Period: The Example of al-Shaykh al-Mufīd
Our research suggests al-Shaykh al-Mufīd was the first author to write down “Systematic Kalām” within the framework of Imāmiyya works, which has survived to the present day. He reviewed and rationalized the theological issues of...
13 July
The Formation of the Ja’farī Shi’a Islamic School of Law from its Inception to the Occultation
The history of the development of the Jaʿfarī Shiʿa Islamic legal school has always fascinated me, all the more so when I continuously observed that existing academic works in the English language purporting to discuss the origins and development of the...
11 July
New Released: Creating the Qur’an: A Historical-Critical Study
Creating the Qur’an presents the first systematic historical-critical study of the Qur’an’s origins, drawing on methods and perspectives commonly used to study other scriptural traditions....
11 July
The ‘Ulama in Contemporary Pakistan: Contesting and Cultivating an Islamic Republic
In this book, Mashal Saif explores how contemporary 'ulama, the guardians of religious knowledge and law, engage with the world's most populated Islamic nation-state: Pakistan...
11 July
New Released: Animal Sacrifice and the Origins of Islam
Brannon Wheeler uses both textual analysis and various types of material evidence to gain insight into the role of animal sacrifice in Islam. He provides a 'thick description' of...
7 July
Zaydite Ḥadīth Literature and Thought by Hassan Ansari and Jan Thiele
This is a draft of a chapter that has been accepted for publication by Oxford University Press in the forthcoming book The Oxford Handbook of Hadith Studies edited by Mustafa Shah due for....
4 July
Dissertation: Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)
In the field of economics, Iqtisaduna provides necessary guidelines, values and rules that aim at achieving the twin objectives of social justice and sustained increase in...
4 July
What Is Islamic Economics? The View of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
This paper attempts to investigate some aspects of al-Sadr’s economic thought by focusing on his view on the nature, subject matter and methodology of Islamic economics, areas that have not received sufficient attention by...
3 July
Imam Musa al-Sadr: An Analysis of His Life, Accomplishments and Literary Output
This dissertation will discuss and analyze the life of Imam Musa, as he was known by his followers; his numerous writings, speeches, and manifestos; the contributions he made to the advancement of the...