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August, 2017

  • 17 August

    Book: Islamism and Islam by Bassam Tibi

    In this important and illuminating book, Bassam Tibi, a senior scholar of Islamic politics, explores the true nature of contemporary Islamism and the essential ways in which it...

  • 9 August

    Book: Introduction to Jurisprudential Maxims

    Jurisprudential maxims (al-qawa‘id al-fiqhiyyah) play an important role in determining one's legal duty in particular situations. When applied, these maxims - such as the 'Maxim of Purity', the 'Maxim of...

  • 3 August

    Article: Shi‘i ‘Ulama and Ijāza during the Nineteenth Century

    There were two types of ijāzas: an ijāza of ijtihād and an ijāza of riwaya. Modern researchers maintain that an ijāza of ijtihād permitted the holder to exercise ijtihād, and that attaining the ijaza was a prerequisite to...

July, 2017

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