What is meant by Islamic Unity? Does it mean that one religion should be chosen from among its different sects, and the rest be put aside? Or does it mean that what is held in common in all of them should be adopted, and the differences ignored, thus creating a new faith which would not resemble any of...
December, 2017
November, 2017
29 November
Religious Minorities in Christian, Jewish and Muslim Law (5th – 15th centuries)
The fruit of a sustained and close collaboration between historians, linguists and jurists working on the Christian, Muslim and Jewish societies of the Middle Ages, this book explores the theme of religious coexistence (and the problems it poses) from a resolutely...
25 November
Book: The Good Muslim: Reflections on Classical Islamic Law and Theology
In the book “The Good Muslim: Reflections on Classical Islamic Law and Theology” Mona Siddiqui reflects upon key themes in Islamic law and theology...
24 November
Photos: Participants at Int.l Conference on Countering Takfirism met with Ayatollah Khamenei
Participants at "Worldwide Conference on Takfiri Issues and Enthusiasts of Ahlul-Bayt (as)" met with Ayatollah Khamenei this morning, Thursday, November 23, 2017, here is the photos of the meeting...
18 November
Article: Islamic Law in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: An Analysis
This Article asks whether ICJ opinions to date suggest that judicial consideration of Islamic legal norms has played, can play, or should play a role in the ICJ's resolution of international legal disputes or in establishing the legitimacy of the results that it...
18 November
Book: Fiqh According to the Qur’an & Sunnah (Vol. 1)
This book illustrates the many facets of our daily life according the Quran and Sunnah. This book is nicely divided into many sections starting with the Book of Purification and ending with the...
2 November
Book: Islamic Jurisprudence: An International Perspective
This book seeks to present information, not at present available in a single work, on the pioneering efforts of Islamic jurists to develop a comprehensive body of human rights, principles and practice, as well as a corpus of...
October, 2017
30 October
Article: The Shiite Interpretation of the Status of Women
The status of “women” as interpreted by Shiites in a philosophical and legal context, as well as their social status in Shiite communities, throughout history up until today, can only be considered and studied within a general framework, using an approach that must obviously be based on...
28 October
Book: Shari’a and Islamism in Sudan: Conflict, Law and Social Transformation
Using her substantial experience in Sudan, Professor Fluehr-Lobban provides a highly valuable analysis of contemporary Shari‘a in Sudan, going beyond stereotypes to examine the current realities of Shari‘a, how it is implemented and how it has changed over the past two decades...
19 October
Islamic Jurisprudence Glossary+PDF
Considering the fact that a great deal of technical jurisprudential terms are frequently used in Fiqhi resources, English Department of Ayatollah Makaim Shirazi’s Office releases the compilation of jurisprudential terms along with their simplified explanation to...