This Handbook explores the interweaving relationship between Islamic business ethics and the market, and examines the critical role that ethics can play in ensuring that business thrives...
March, 2018
12 March
Book: Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries
The book “Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries: Arab Christians in the Levant” Explores the role of Christian contributions to Arab–Islamic politics and society and provides a study of the historic roots of Christianity in the Arab-Islamic world...
11 March
Book: Shi’i Law and Leadership: The Influence of Mortaza Ansari
The book "Shi'i Law and Leadership" analyzes the influence of the nineteenth century scholar and head of the international Shi'i community, Mortaza Ansari...
1 March
Book: The Islamic Scholarly Tradition
The book “The Islamic Scholarly Tradition: Studies in History, Law, and Thought in Honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook “contains highly original articles on Islamic history, law, and thought, each either proposing new hypotheses or readjusting existing ones...
February, 2018
28 February
Article: ‘We the Jurists’: Islamic Constitutionalism in Iraq +PDF
This article examines the implications of incorporating Islamic law in a modern democratic constitutional context. The new Iraqi constitution's designation of Islamic law as "a source of law" placed the issue of Islamic law's role in new democracies at the...
26 February
The History of an Islamic School of Law: The Early Spread of Hanafism
Using rich material drawn mainly from medieval Islamic biographical dictionaries, Nurit Tsafrir offers a thorough examination of the first century and a half of the school’s existence, the period during which it took shape...
26 February
Against Conceptualism: Islamic Law, Democracy, and Constitutionalism in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring
This article focuses on conceptual debates surrounding the incorporation of Islamic law (shari’a) into the constitutions of Middle Eastern countries as “a source,” “a primary source,” or “the primary source” for legislation against which the validity of ordinary legislation may possibly be reviewed...
26 February
Fiqh According to the Quran and Sunnah
This book is nicely divided into many sections starting with the Book of Purification and ending with the Book of Zakah. Each book is further subdivided into chapters which explain a specific topic in...
25 February
Neighboring Faiths: Christianity, Islam, & Judaism in the Middle Ages & Today
This is a book focused on how Muslims, Jews, and Christians have “loved, tolerated, massacred, and expelled each other – all in the name of God..
23 February
The Archetypal Sunni Scholar: Law, Theology, and Mysticism in the Synthesis of al-Bajuri
The book is a lucid survey and deep analysis of the works and ideas of al-Bājūrī and shows precisely how al-Bājūrī served as an ‘archetypal’ Sunnī scholar...