Bryan S. Turner, in this book, argues that understanding Islam has in recent years been dominated by political events – the Iran Hostage crisis, the fall of the Iranian Shah, 9/11, Afghanistan and the foreign policy of Donald Trump – leading to western intellectuals and...
January, 2023
28 January
Formation of a Religious Landscape: Shi‘i Higher Learning in Safavid Iran
In Formation of a Religious Landscape: Shi‘i Higher Learning in Safavid Iran, Maryam Moazzen offers the first systematic examination of Shi‘i educational institution and practices by exploring the ways in which religious knowledge was produced, authenticated, and transmitted in the...
16 January
The System of Rights of Women in Islam: Revised Edition of The Rights of Women in Islam
The book presents a realistic picture of women's rights in Shi’ah Islam. Contrary to popular propaganda, the laws, teachings and practices of Islam provide a complete system for a dignified life for women....
14 January
Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the Limits of Expression in Islam
The Al-Mahdi Institute Press recently has published its latest proceedings of the 9th AMI Contemporary Fiqhī Issues Workshop entitled “Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the Limits of Expression in...
12 January
The Guardianship of the Jurist and the Theory of Islamic Governance: A Historical Perspective
In this book, ʿAllamah Sayyid Jaʿfar Murtaḍā al-ʿĀmilī raises the subject of the guardianship of the jurist and its rational and primordial proofs from a historical aspect....
9 January
The Mahdi: Understanding the Awaited One
This book is about the man who is chosen to usher in this promise of justice and virtue – our Twelfth Immaculate Leader, the Awaited Savior – the Mahdi...
December, 2022
25 December
Islam and Women: A New Approach
This present book deals with topics as diverse as the methodology of discussing Islam, the hijab, women’s rights, the status of women in Islam, gender identity, family life, raising children, the duty of parents, the ideal married life, and being a leader and a...
20 December
Identifying the Righteous Marjiʿiyyah
In this book, Āyatullāh Sayyid Munīr al-Khabbāz gives an extended overview into the concept of the Marjʿiyyah, and discusses the character and qualifications of Grand Āyatullāh Sayyid ʿAlī al-Sistānī....
20 December
An Introduction to the Collection of Warram
Warram Ibn Abi Firas’s Tanbih Al-Khawatir Wa Nuzhat Al-Nawazir, better known as Majmu‘at Waram (The Collection of Warram) is a precious collection of narrations on the moral practices and etiquettes of God-wary and...
18 December
Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy
This is the first critical and theoretically grounded book-length study of Hajj literature (written texts about the experience of the Hajj) and Hajj practices of Bosnian Muslims.....