The present volume of Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses offers a fascinating insight into the history, the main ideas and current developments in economic thought from the perspective of the three major monotheistic faiths Judaism, Christianity and....
June, 2023
9 June
The Rule of Law, Freedom of Expression and Islamic Law
This book, drawing on both International and Islamic Law, explores the rule of law, and freedom of expression and its practical application in the Muslim world...
7 June
The Minority Muslim Experience in Mainland Southeast Asia
This book examines the lives of the Malay and Cham Muslims in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam and examines how they co-exist and live in societies that are dominated by an alternative consensus and are illiberal and...
6 June
The Sharia Inquiry, Religious Practice and Muslim Family Law in Britain
This timely collection of essays from experts, scholars and legal practitioners provides a critique and evaluation of the Inquiry findings as a starting point for analysis and debate on current British Muslim family law practices in the matters of marriage and....
May, 2023
28 May
Religion and Contract Law in Islam, From Medieval Trade to Global Finance
Undertaking a search that spans revelation, legal tradition, and the reality of the Muslim world, this book explores the Islamic contract (‘aqd in Arabic) as a ‘city’ at the crossroads of convergent paths of....
27 May
A Shi’ite Pilgrimage to Mecca, 1885-1886
A Shiʿite Pilgrimage to Mecca is taken from the original nineteenth-century Persian manuscript of the Safarnâmeh of Mirzâ Moḥammad Ḥosayn Farâhâni, a well-educated, keenly observant, Iranian....
12 May
Islamophobia in France: The Construction of the “Muslim Problem”
Islamophobia in France is an English translation of Abdellali Hajjat and Marwan Mohammed’s Islamophobie: Comment les e´lites franc¸aises fabriquent le “proble`me musulman.” In this groundbreaking book, Hajjat and....
7 May
The Christian-Muslim Frontier: A Zone of Contact, Conflict or Co-operation
his book explores the complex social and political relationship of the frontier between Christianity and Islam, arguing that it should be understand as a zone of contact rather than a distinct line of....
5 May
Ali, The Well-Guarded Secret: Figures of the First Master in Shi‘i Spirituality
Based on a detailed analysis of several categories of sources, this book demonstrates that Shi‘ism is the religion of the Imam, of the Master of Wisdom, just like Christianity is that of Christ, and that ‘Alī is the first Master and...
1 May
The Words of the Imams: Al-Shaykh Al-Saduq and the Development of Twelver Shi’i Hadith Literature
Though almost all of al-Saduq's writings are collections of hadith, Warner's approach pays careful attention to how these texts are selected and presented to explore what they can reveal about their compiler, offering insight into al-Saduq's ideas and suggesting new possibilities for the wider study of....