The book discusses and expounds various issues regarding the rights and laws that pertain to women in Islam, and unwraps some of the...
February, 2017
23 February
Book: The Five Schools of Islamic Law
The author reports on every opinion of Islamic Laws from five Schools of Islamic thought i.e. Hanafi, Shafe'ie, Humbali, Maliki and Jafari, as...
22 February
Book: Essays in Islamic Philology, History, and Philosophy
This work treats in one volume the most important fields in Islamic studies: Persian literature and philology; Islamic history and historiography; Arabic literature and philology; and Islamic philosophy and...
22 February
Book: Product Development in Islamic Banks
The predicament contemporary Islamic finance practice faces is at two levels: the first is foundational and the...
21 February
Book: Islamic Banking and Finance in the European Union
This timely book examines the authorization of Shari’ah-compliant intermediaries as either credit institutions or as...
20 February
Book: Principles of Islamic International Criminal Law
This book presents the similarities and differences between international criminal law and Islamic international criminal law in a...
19 February
Book: The Application of Islamic Criminal Law in Pakistan
This book provides an original and comprehensive account of the resurgence of traditional Islamic criminal law in the...
19 February
Book: Morality and Justice in Islamic Economics and Finance
In this book, the author shows clearly that he is unhappy with the present state of Islamic finance and with the damage done by...
18 February
Book: Women Judges in the Muslim World
Women Judges in the Muslim World: A Comparative Study of Discourse and Practice fills a gap in academic scholarship by examining public debates and...
15 February
Book: Interpretations of Law and Ethics in Muslim Contexts
The present volume offers over 200 annotated bibliographies of books pertaining to law and ethics in the...