This article examines the attitudes of the Saudi ulema towards the Saudi Shi‘a in political and social terms through the analysis of fatawa, sermons, lectures, and publications issued by the Saudi religious authorities...
March, 2017
26 March
Book: The Heirs of the Prophet, Charisma and Religious Authority in Shi’ite Islam
This book is very well written and demonstrates a vast knowledge and intimate familiarity with both primary and secondary sources on the topic of the Shiite imams and their...
25 March
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures
The Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures (EWIC) is an interdisciplinary, trans-historical, and global project embracing women and Islamic cultures in every region where there have been significant...
17 March
Book: Alternative Islamic Discourse and Religious Authority
This book further argues that the centre of gravity of many of these alternative Islamic discourses is shifting from the Arabic-speaking 'heartland' towards the geographical peripheries of the Muslim world and expatriate Muslims in...
13 March
An Introduction to Methodology of Islamic Jurisprudence: A Shiite Approach+PDF
Uşūl al-Fiqh, the methodology of jurisprudence, which is usually – and inaccurately, if not incorrectly – translated “principles of jurisprudence,” is an Islamic science which is developed by Shiite scholars in...
13 March
A Glossary of Shiite Methodology of Jurisprudence (Usul al-Fiqh)+PDF
When the first English version of Shiite uşūl al-fiqh in its both comprehensive and concise version was introduced by the book “An Introduction to Islamic Methodology of Jurisprudence (Uşūl al - Fiqh), necessity of preparing a glossary of...
13 March
Salafism in Lebanon: From Apoliticism to Transnational Jihadism
The book “Salafism in Lebanon: From Apoliticism” underscores the dramatic implications Salafism has for regional and international security. It is an absolutely essential historical and contemporary analysis of...
8 March
Religious Revivalism or Reformation: Islamic Law in Modern Times
In this article, initially, the writer presents a brief overview of the classical exposition of Islamic law, the various factors that shaped the formulation of the...
February, 2017
27 February
Book: Kharaj in Islamic Law
The book, written by Ayatollah Sayyed Hussain Modarresi Tabatabaei, is an attempt to clarify all aspects of kharaj from the viewpoint of...
26 February
Book: Divorce according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law
Divorce is discussed in this present book, volume 6 of 8, written by Muhammad Jawad Moqniyyah, which three main criteria for divorce are: adulthood, sanity and...