Arskal Salim’s Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia offers a rich and interesting ethnographic study that looks into a number of relevant questions not only in Aceh, but also in other parts of the archipelago and religiously plural societies more...
June, 2017
May, 2017
31 May
Book: Islamic Counselling: an Introduction to Theory and Practice
The book is designed as an introduction for counsellors, its goal is to inform the reader about how the diverse roles of the Islamic counsellor fit together in a comprehensive way and to provide the...
31 May
Book: Islamic Financial Economy and Islamic Banking
Islamic Financial Economy and Islamic Banking, is a thorough, deeply conceptual, analytical and applied work in the area of epistemological foundation of Islamic...
22 May
Book: Authority, Continuity, and Change in Islamic Law
In this path-breaking new book, the author shows how authority guaranteed both continuity and change in Islamic...
20 May
Book: Inheritance according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law
The present book, vol. 7 of 8, is dedicated to dissecting the intricate ways of Inheritance, the conditions and situations that may occur. The issue is presented according to...
20 May
Book: An Introduction to Islamic Law+PDF
This book attempts to correct misconceptions about Islamic law, first by giving a brief account of...
17 May
Book: Islam and the Challenge of Human Rights+PDF
In this book, Abdulaziz Sachedina rejects this informal consensus, arguing instead for the essential compatibility of Islam and...
16 May
Women, the Koran and International Human Rights Law +PDF
This book discusses three Islamic human rights approaches: secular, non-compatible, reconciliatory (compatible), and proposes a contextual interpretive approach....
14 May
Book: Waqf, Hajr and Wasaya according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law
The present book, volume 8 of 8, is dedicated to the issues of waqf, hajr and wasaya. How they occur, what are the rules, what invalidates them and so...
12 May
Temporary Marriage (mut’a) in Islamic Law +PDF
Though there are important differences between Twelve-Imam Shi’aism and Sunnism on the level of the principles of the religion (usul al-din), on the level of the sharia and fiqh or jurisprudence there are surprisingly few places where...