This book, in its effort to formulate compatibility between Islamic law and the principles of international diplomatic law, argues that the need to harmonize the two legal systems and have a thorough cross-cultural understanding amongst nations generally with a...
July, 2017
June, 2017
17 June
Book: Islamic Legal Revival Reception of European Law & Transformations in Islamic Legal Thought in Egypt
Islamic Legal Revival: Reception of European Law and Transformations in Islamic Legal Thought in Egypt, 1879-1952 brings to life the tumultuous history of colonial interventions in...
15 June
Islamic Law and the State: The Constitutional Jurisprudence of Shihab Al-Din Al-Qarafi+PDF
This book deals with an Ayyūbid-Mamlūk Egyptian jurist's attempt to come to terms with the potential conflict between power, represented in the state, and authority, represented in the schools of...
13 June
Book: Marriage according to the Five Schools of Islamic Law
This book, volume 5 of 8, presents the similarities and differences in the issues regarding marriage from the viewpoints of the five Schools of...
13 June
Islam and Human Rights in Practice: Perspectives across the Ummah +PDF
This book seeks to engage with the various debates surrounding Islam and Human Rights, in particular, challenging assumptions of a ‘standard’ or ‘essential’ Muslim perspective on...
12 June
Islamic Finance: Instruments and Markets+PDF
Islamic Finance: Instruments and Markets looks at the application of Sharia law to the world of banking and finance. It provides you with an understanding of the rationale behind the instruments and...
8 June
Handbook on Islam and Economic Life
This volume presents carefully selected research by reputed scholars on diverse topics dealing with the economic life of Muslims. The book provides a perspective not only on key aspects of the moral economy but also on the behaviour and expectations of...
8 June
Book: Halal Matters: Islam, Politics and Markets in Global Perspective
Easily the most authoritative study of the subject, this collection of essays on halal, an ostensibly ritual designation and practice, allows us to see how it becomes the crucial category by which Muslim subjects and markets around the world are both created and...
8 June
Book: Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia: Sharia and Legal Pluralism
Arskal Salim’s Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia offers a rich and interesting ethnographic study that looks into a number of relevant questions not only in Aceh, but also in other parts of the archipelago and religiously plural societies more...
May, 2017
31 May
Book: Islamic Counselling: an Introduction to Theory and Practice
The book is designed as an introduction for counsellors, its goal is to inform the reader about how the diverse roles of the Islamic counsellor fit together in a comprehensive way and to provide the...