This study aims to provide a clear vision and present in its true perspective the thought and position of the Muslim individual about the law and the...
May, 2018
17 May
Minority Rights According to the Law of the Tribute Agreement+PDF
The writer, considering the concepts of the International Law from an Islamic view-point, thoroughly deals with the question of religious...
17 May
Matrimonial Rights by Sayyid Mahdi Sadr+PDF
This book represents the excellence of the divine revelation as well as the wisdom of the Ahlul-Bayt (a) who progressed in the light of that revelation and...
17 May
Islamic Laws of Computer and Internet+PDF
This book aims to answer some questions about using the Internet and some other related issues . It pours into progressively advanced scientific field...
17 May
Inner Secrets of the Path+PDF
A valuable resource for the students of Irfan (Gnosis), which discusses how spiritual travellers should walk on the path taking to their Lord using the Sharia (Law) and deals specifically with the...
17 May
How to Pray+PDF
This short book explains how to perform a perfect salat (prayer) and how is a perfect Ghusl (Ritual Bath) and Tayammum (Ablution by Earth ) and teaches some...
16 May
Tahrir al-Wasilah by Imam Khomeini+PDF
The present English translation of Imam Khomeini’s well- known book: “Tahrir al- Vasila” consisting of his juristic verdicts, occupies an important place in the program for...
16 May
Taqleed and Ijtihad+PDF
This book is a detailed discussion and analysis of Taqleed and Ijtihad and jurisprudence in the light of the Holy Qur'an and traditions. Also...
16 May
Summary Of the Rulings Of Salat Al-Jama’at +PDF
This booklet is a simple guide for those who wish to have an elementary knowledge concerning the rules of Salat al-Jama'at. The rulings compiled herein are by no means...
16 May
Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Umrah and Hajj+PDF
This book has been organized in a step-by-step manner, and includes most of the issues that would be required by a pilgrim. It is tried to include the issues from the following Mujtahids; Ayatollah Al-Khuei, Ayatollah Gulpaygani and Ayatollah Sistani...