Shining Sun (a translation of Mihr-i Taban) is a tribute to the life and thought of the renowned Islamic scholar, Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i, written soon after his death by...
December, 2019
18 December
Book: Narrators and Narrations: A Beginner’s Guide to Rijal and Dirayah
In this book, the author expertly presents an introduction to Rijal and Diraya subjects and discusses their main topics in the form of thirty-four lessons...
17 December
Book: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence for Beginners
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence for Beginners is an English translation of al-Mujaz fi Usul al-Fiqh...
17 December
Shi’i Islam and Sufism: Classical Views and Modern Perspectives
Offering new perspectives on the relationship between Shi'is and Sufis in modern and pre-modern times, this book challenges the supposed opposition between these two esoteric traditions in Islam by exploring what could be...
17 December
Book: Studying the Qurʾān in the Muslim Academy
Studying the Qur'an in the Muslim Academy examines what it is like to study and teach the Qur'an at academic institutions in the Muslim world, and how politics affect scholarly interpretations of...
16 December
Book: The Study of Shi’i Islam: History, Theology and Law
The Study of Shi'i Islam presents papers originally delivered at the first international colloquium dedicated exclusively to Shi'i studies, held in 2010 at The Institute of...
14 December
Book: Shia’ism In Sunni’ism (Shia Islam in Sunni Books)
The purpose of this book is to prove Imamate via Nass and mostly traditions narrated by the Sunnis and is organized in such a way to be helpful for...
14 December
Sayyids and Sharifs in Muslim Societies: The Living Links to the Prophet
Providing a thorough analysis of sayyids and sharifs from the ninth century to the present day, and from the Iberian Peninsula to the Indonesian Archipelago, this book will be of...
11 December
Book: Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaza
The book, The Glad Tidings of Mustafa for the Shia of Murtaz’a, boasts a collection of over five hundred and ninety narrations, whose sources are amongst the most widely-recognized and accepted narrators in the...
3 December
The Shias of Pakistan: An Assertive and Beleaguered Minority
This nine-chapter long book comprehensively covers different facets of Shi‘a politics in the subcontinent...