In this book, Omid Ghaemmaghami demonstrates that in the early years of what came to be known as the Greater Occultation, Shīʿī authorities maintained that all contact with the Imam had been sundered, forcing him to...
May, 2020
1 May
Sexual Ethics in Islam and in the Western World by Mortaza Mutahhari
For Muslims, the institution of marriage based on mutuality of natural interest and cordiality between spouses represents a sublime manifestation of the...
April, 2020
22 April
Ten Decades of Ulamaʹs Struggle+PDF
This book recounts the lives of some of the Ulama of Iran committed to the inspired and noble cause of Islam.
22 April
Articles of Islamic Acts+PDF
This book concludes Laws on cleanliness, prayers, fasting, hajj, transactions, marriage, and other topics according to the Islamic law of Ayatollah Abul Qasim al-Khu'i.
19 April
Principles of Islamic jurisprudence +pdf
In this work, Prof Kamali offers us the first detailed presentation available in English of the theory of Muslim law (usul al-fiqh). This book is a valuable addition...
17 April
The prohibition of domestic violence in Islam +PDF
This book presents shining social examples set forth by the revered prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and examines crucial Arabic terminology relative to domestic violence...
17 April
Shi’i Jurisprudence and Constitution : Revolution in Iran
This book provides a highly learned, stimulating and informative argument on the role of the constitutionalist 'ulama in the Iranian constitutional revolution...
15 April
Risk Sharing in Finance: The Islamic Finance Alternative
This book Demonstrate how Islamic finance can successfully expand its array of risk sharing instruments, The book makes a compelling case for thinking outside the box to redevelop...
15 April
Ayatollah Al-Khawnsari Through Sources of Witnesses+PDF
The cultural assault rests on two bases: first, humiliating the original culture, and second, encouraging the successor foreign culture. Through this cultural withdrawal and disgracing the...
15 April
Fasting, I’tekaf, Advent of Moon, Fitrah+PDF
This booklet consists of those issues which believers come across during the month of ramadhan and eid. They are presented beautifully...