Praise be to Allah for opening the gates of knowledge for us to establish the Islamic sciences and single us out as the Imamiyyah Shīʻā, a praise by which we precede those who take precedence in attaining His pleasure. Blessings and peace be on the most excellent and outstanding of …
December, 2021
November, 2021
20 November
Book: A Short Treatise on the Life of Imam Ali (as)
This book “A Short Treatise on Life of Imam Ali (‘a)” discusses different aspects of the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a). The author discusses the following topics: Ali & Politics and...
19 November
The Role of Taqlid in Human Life
Human beings constantly require accurate and authentic information in order to make correct choices; choices that may lead them towards a successful attainment of their respective goals....
17 November
The Saqifah Conspiracy: An Analytic Study of the Most Critical Event in the Political History of Islam
The first political, yet conspiratorial, conference that was held in Islam was the Saqifah Conference, which was held immediately after the passing away of the Holy Prophet (s) and before his holy body was...
8 November
Book: The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology
The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Theology provides a comprehensive and authoritative survey of the current state of the field. It provides a variegated picture of the state of the...
6 November
Book: Reformation and Development in the Muslim World
This book explores how the recent development of Muslim countries as a group has fallen far short of non-Muslim countries, which, some have concluded, may be a result of Islamic teachings. The authors examine Muslim countries over time, viewing their progression on the Islamicity scale. They assess why some countries …
5 November
Book: Madrasas and the Making of Islamic Womanhood
This ethnography provides a theoretically informed account of the educational journeys of students in girls’ madrasas in...
4 November
The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal al-Din Kashani
I set out to write this book with two goals in mind- first, to introduce the major themes of Islamic philosophy to those unfamiliar with them, and second, to Afdal al-Din Kashani to the list of...
3 November
Book: Conceptions of Justice from Islam to the Present
This book Compares and contrasts the major theories of justice to the teachings of Islam and its system of justice, presents a comprehensive description of justice in Islam—justice as a system that emerges if rulers and members of the community are rule compliant, and analyzes contemporary conceptions of justice from …
October, 2021
12 October
Book: Essays on Shi’ism and Iran
A pioneer in the study of Shi‘ism and contemporary Iran, Hamid Algar’s work is marked by precise attention to detail, a near-unparalleled grasp of languages, and a forthright honesty....