Shi'ism Revisited moves beyond theoretical questions of reformation to address specific ways that Islamic law is being revisited by jurists....
March, 2022
2 March
Muhammad and the Believers: At the Origins of Islam
In Muhammad and the Believers, the eminent historian Fred Donner offers a lucid and original vision of how Islam first evolved....
2 March
Mālik and Medina: Islamic Legal Reasoning in the Formative Period
This book studies the legal reasoning of Mālik ibn Anas (d. 179 H./795 C.E.) in the Muwaṭṭa’ and Mudawwana. Although focusing on Mālik, the book presents a broad comparative study of legal ...
2 March
Islam and Science: The Intellectual Career of Nizam al-Din al-Nisaburi
In examining the work of eminent fourteenth century Iranian Shiite scholar Nizam al-Din al-Nisaburi, this book is the first rigorous attempt to explain the cross-fertilization of scientific and religious thought in...
2 March
Faces of Muhammad: Western Perceptions of the Prophet of Islam from the Middle Ages to Today
The book shows that Muhammad wears so many faces in the West because he has always acted as a mirror for its writers, their portrayals revealing more about their own concerns than the historical realities of the...
2 March
Scripturalist Islam: The History and Doctrines of the Akhbārī Shīʿī School
The Akhbārī School dominated the intellectual landscape of Imāmī Shiʿism between the Seventeenth and early Nineteenth Centuries. Its principal doctrines involved a reliance on scripture (primarily the sayings or akhbār of the Shiʿite Imams) and a....
February, 2022
28 February
Prophethood and the Prophet of Islam by Ibrahim Amini
This book discusses about general prophethood and particularly to the prophethood of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) and the description of his proclamation as well as a sketch of his character and...
28 February
Book: Rediscovering Objects from Islamic Lands in Enlightenment Europe
This book argues that the provenance of early modern and medieval objects from Islamic lands was largely forgotten until the “long” eighteenth century, when the first efforts were made to reconnect them with the historical contexts in which they were produced. For the first time, these Islamicate objects were read, …
22 February
Book: Manifestation of Monotheism: Hajj from Imam Khomeini’s Viewpoint
Imam Khomeini was always attentive to the issue of hajj as one of the most important concerns of Muslims and the world of Islam...
20 February
Inquiries about Islam by Shaykh Muhammad Jawad Chirri
If you are a Muslim, read this book out of the obligation to acquire knowledge. If you are a Jew or Christian, read it for the same devout motive....