The sīra of the Imām al-Mahdī li-Dīn Allāh Abū Ṭayr Aḥmad b. al-Ḥusayn (d. 656/1258) was composed by Sharaf al-Dīn Yaḥyā b. al-Qāsim al-Ḥamzī (d. 677/1278-9). The primary significance of the section of...
March, 2022
15 March
The Origins and Early Development of Shi’a Islam
This book reconstructs the development of an Islamic ideal in the form of Shi'ism It traces the Shi'a response to this ideal, from its origins among a group of the Prophet's Companions until the...
15 March
Muslim Couple and Money: 8 Practical Financial Tips for Newlywed Muslim Couple
Many studies show that a great deal of marital conflicts and splits are money-related; either the lack of it or the improper use of it. The finding of...
14 March
Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment: A Global and Historical Comparison
Why do Muslim-majority countries exhibit high levels of authoritarianism and low levels of socio-economic development in comparison to world averages? Ahmet T. Kuru criticizes explanations which...
14 March
Shiʻa Minorities in the Contemporary World Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality
This book offers a set of new comparative perspectives on the experiences of Shi’a Muslim minorities outside the so-called ‘Muslim heartland’....
14 March
Art, Allegory and the Rise of Shiʻism in Iran, 1487-1565
Transforming our understanding of Persian art, this impressive interdisciplinary book decodes some of the world’s most exquisite medieval paintings. It reveals the hidden meaning behind ...
14 March
The Art of Resistance in Islam: The Performance of Politics among Shi’i Women in the Middle East and Beyond
Based on first-hand ethnographic insights into Shi'i religious groups in the Middle East and Europe, this book examines women's resistance to state as well as communal and...
13 March
Book: British Muslim Women in the Cultural and Creative Industries
Muslim women are opening up new educational and career pathways across the UK, pioneering roles in digital media, fashion design and visual art....
11 March
Agents of the Hidden Imam: Forging Twelver Shiʿism, 850–950 CE
Edmund Hayes provides an innovative approach to exploring early Shiʿism, moving beyond doctrinal history to provide an analysis of the socio-political processes leading to the canonisation of the Occultation of the...
9 March
Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: an International Perspective
Describing practical applications, models and case studies, this book provides an insight into the management of religious tourism, covering both ancient sacred sites and...